UltraViolet: Austin Wilkerson Sentencing Is ‘Another Tragic Example of Our National Rape Culture Epidemic’

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, August 11, 2016

CONTACT:  Brett Abrams | 516-841-1105 | brett@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet: Austin Wilkerson Sentencing Is ‘Another Tragic Example of Our National Rape Culture Epidemic’

COLORADO — Yesterday, Judge Patrick Butler sentenced convicted rapist Austin Wilkerson to two years on work release and 20 years probation for his violent and targeted assault of an unconscious woman at the University of Colorado-Boulder. In reaction to the conviction, Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet issued the following statement:

“Austin Wilkerson is a convicted rapist, who isolated, targeted and sexually assaulted an unconscious woman—and yet because of our so-called justice system and judges like Patrick Butler, his well being is prioritized and protected over the survivor of his crime. This is wrong.

“This is yet another tragic example of our national rape culture epidemic at work, in which our society — including our legal institutions — excuses and normalizes sexual violence. It doesn’t get any plainer than the decision by Justice Patrick Butler, who prioritized the well-being of the perpetrator over justice for the survivor of a brutal crime.

“Whether it’s the case of Brock Turner in California, John Enochs in Indiana or Austin Wilkerson in Colorado, we need judges on the bench that take rape and sexual assault seriously. Survivors of rape and sexual assault deserve better than this.”

FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/austin-wilkerson-boulder-rape-prison_us_57abb86ce4b06e52746f3b22

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UltraViolet is an online community of over 1,000,000 women and men who want to take collective action to expose and fight sexism in the public sector, private sector and the media. Find out more at WeAreUltraViolet.org.


