We lead long-term culture and policy change by unifying millions of people to shine a spotlight on the urgent issues that shape all of our lives—violence, reproductive rights, healthcare, economic security, immigrants’ rights, criminal justice, and racial justice. We center individuals and communities disproportionately impacted by injustice, including women of color, Indigenous women, immigrants, and LGBTQ people.
Since our founding in 2012, we have established an influential and powerful community of 1.2 million women and allies across the country who trust our leadership and are ready to mobilize on a moment’s notice to hold the media, decision-makers, corporations, and institutions accountable.
We combine rapid response and longer-term organizing strategies—creative visual messaging, behind-the-scenes media organizing, thought leadership, partnerships with national and local allies, and coalition building—with the tools and experience necessary for more women to lead, organize, and advocate for change in their communities.
established an influential and powerful community of 1.2 million women and allies across the country
Together with our members and allies, we have exposed the often-silenced epidemic of gender-based violence and created a standard for believing survivors; protected access to affordable, comprehensive healthcare for millions of women; advocated for economic justice for women of color, Indigenous women, and low-income women; and fought against the criminalization and dehumanization of women of color, immigrant women, and transgender people.
By organizing tens of thousands of people across the country to take collective action online and in the streets, we are building a movement with staying power and forcing corporations and leaders in politics, culture, and the media to change the way they do business and align themselves with our interests.
We directly influence journalists, CEOs, boards of directors, advertising executives, electeds at the federal and state levels, and celebrities to make decisions that advance women’s health, safety, and security. With this approach, we are changing cross-industry standards for sexual assault and harassment by holding individuals and corporations accountable for enabling a culture of violence in the workplace.
We have forced major corporations to oust high-level executives and serial predators like Bill O’Reilly and Les Moonves; exposed decades of sexual assault by Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein in The New York Times; expanded justice for survivors in high-profile rape cases; and pressured the NFL to overhaul its policies on domestic violence and sexual assault and invest millions of dollars to organizations working to end violence against women.
Together we can achieve freedom and justice for all of us.