UltraViolet Calls Trump’s Family Leave, Child Care Plans “A Cynical Sham” That Does Nothing to Help Working Families in America

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Contact: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com | (914) 523-9145

UltraViolet Calls Trump’s Family Leave, Child Care Plans “A Cynical Sham” That Does Nothing to Help Working Families in America

This morning, Donald Trump’s campaign announced that it would roll out policy proposals aimed at reducing child care costs and providing new mothers with up to six weeks paid maternity leave. The Trump campaign announced that the plan would rely on rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses.

Karin Roland, chief campaigns officer at UltraViolet Action, a national women’s advocacy organization issued the following statement in reaction to Trump’s proposals:

“Donald Trump’s proposed childcare and paid family leave plans are a cynical sham that attempts to rebuild his standing with women voters after a campaign and lifetime of misogyny.  Trump’s proposed ‘solutions’ would do nothing to help the tens of millions of working families struggling to make ends meet, while giving big tax credits to a select, wealthy few.  Low and middle income families simply won’t be able to benefit from this plan, as Trump’s proposed tax deductions are too little to help families who can’t afford childcare costs to begin with.

“Make no mistake, the United States is facing a child care crisis.  In most states, child care costs more than rent or college tuition, and Black families are forced to spend nearly 42% of their household income on childcare costs on average.  This is unsustainable – and hurts families and our economy.

“We need real solutions that make high-quality childcare and paid family leave a reality for all of America’s families, not another regressive tax plan that leaves working families in the dust.

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