New TV Ad Slams Donald Trump For Comments About Sexual Assault in the Military At Last Night’s Forum

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, September 9, 2016

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | 516-841-1105 |

New TV Ad Slams Donald Trump For Comments About Sexual Assault in the Military At Last Night’s Forum

Women’s Group Says Trump’s America is Dangerous for Our Troops and Dangerous for Women

UltraViolet Action, a national women’s advocacy group, has released a new 30- second TV ad slamming Donald Trump for his claim that women in the military are responsible for their own rapes.  

The ad, which will air this weekend on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC, comes after the NBC/IAVA Commander-In-Chief Forum, where Donald Trump defended, and doubled down on his 2013 claim that the reported sharp rise in sexual assault in the military was due to men and women serving together in the Armed Forces. When confronted by moderator Matt Lauer, Trump responded:  “It is a correct tweet. There are many people that think that’s absolutely correct.”

The ad, which slams Donald Trump’s victim-blaming concludes that Trump’s America is not safe for our troops and not safe for woman.


“The fact that Donald Trump doubled down on his claim that the epidemic of sexual assault in the military is caused by the fact that women serve with men is dangerous, disgusting and shameful, even by Trump standards. It is is victim-blaming at its worst. explained Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet Action. “Donald Trump’s America is not safe for our troops and not safe for women – and just the latest example of why Trump is completely unfit to be the next Commander-in-Chief.”
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