UltraViolet Action on Donald Trump’s Announcement That He Will Sue Women Who Accused Him of Sexual Assault

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Saturday, October 22, 2016

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | 516-841-1105brett@unbendablemedia.com


UltraViolet Action on Donald Trump’s Announcement That He Will Sue Women Who Accused Him of Sexual Assault

Today, at an event in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump announced that he would be filing lawsuits against the women who have accused him of sexual assault and misconduct once the election is over.  In the last two weeks, 10 women have accused Donald Trump of sexual assault.

In reaction to the Trump’s announcement, Shaunna Thomas, co-founder of UltraViolet Action, a national women’s advocacy organization, issued the following statement:

“Today, in a speech billed by his own campaign as his closing argument, Donald Trump said he would use the power of the Presidency to not only attack the women who have courageously come forward with stories of sexual assault but also sue them. This is a shocking, frightening and disgusting new low – even for Donald Trump.
“For more than two weeks now we have seen women come forward and expose Donald Trump for who he really is – a serial sexual predator who views women as nothing more than objects. Through their brave actions they have not only exposed Donald Trump but have also exposed the Republican Party, who has stood by Trump, as enablers of his actions.

“Trump’s comments today, and the threat to use the power of the presidency to sue women who say they were assaulted by him, are outrageous and downright dangerous. They also once again prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that he is completely unqualified to serve as President.”

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UltraViolet Action is an online community of over 1,000,000 women and men who want to take collective action to expose and fight sexism in the public sector, private sector and the media. Find out more at WeAreUltraViolet.org.


