Women’s Group Calls on WH Counsel to Investigate Trump’s Harassment of Female Reporter in the Oval Office

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, June 28, 2017

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | 516-841-1105 | brett@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group Calls on WH Counsel to Investigate Donald Trump’s Harassment of Female Reporter in the Oval Office

UltraViolet Says Trump’s Treatment of RTE Reporter Caitriona Perry Was “Eerily Familiar’ to Behavior Trump Exhibited in Leaked Access Hollywood Tape Where Trump Said “When You’re a Star, They Let You Do it.  You Can Do Anything”

WASHINGTON, DC — UltraViolet, a leading women’s advocacy organization, is calling on Assistant to the President and White House Counsel Donald McGahn to investigate an incident that occurred yesterday in the Oval Office between President Donald Trump and a female reporter from RTE, Caitriona Perry, in which President Trump remarked “we have all of this beautiful Irish press” and then singled out a female reporter in the women and commented on her “nice smile.”

You can see video of the incident here: https://twitter.com/CaitrionaPerry/status/879804904696496128

In a letter to Mr. McGahn this morning, UltraViolet expressed particular concern about the incident yesterday in the Oval Office because it is eerily familiar to the behavior that President Trump–in the Access Hollywood tape that came out during the campaign–has himself stated is acceptable. In that tape, President Trump stated that “when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

The letter adds: We are sure we don’t agree on everything. But we hope you would agree with us that sexual harassment has no place in any workplace, much less in the White House. The women who work in the White House, whether on staff or as members of the press, should be able to do their jobs without the threat of harassment. We also hope you agree with us that no one, and especially not the President, is above the law.”

View the full letter to Mr. McGahn here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.weareultraviolet.com/images/UVletterMcGahn.pdf


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