Women’s Group Slams Internal NBC Probe Exonerating Management & HR in Matt Lauer Case

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, May 9, 2018

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com | (516) 841-1105

Women’s Group Slams Internal NBC Probe Exonerating Management & HR in Matt Lauer Case

UltraViolet Says “Comcast Needs to Clean House at the Highest Ranks of NBC If It Wants to Create a Safe Workplace”

Earlier today, Deadline reported that an internal probe into harassment culture at NBC News exonerated management and HR in the Matt Lauer caseIn reaction to the report, Karin Roland, Chief Campaigns Officer of UltraViolet, a leading national women’s organization, issued the following statement:

“This is a classic example of the fox watching the hen house and why organizations – like NBC – need to have external, not internal, investigations. Matt Lauer was able to prey on women within NBC for years because he was seen as a star and untouchable. This mindset came from the top. This was not one or two incidents. This was a pattern over years. We also now know it was not limited to Matt Lauer. This so-called ‘investigation’ is a joke and Comcast needs to clean house at the highest ranks of NBC if it wants to create a safe workplace.”

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