Women’s Group Reacts as Biden Jokes About Inappropriately Touching Women

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, April 05, 2019

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group Reacts as Biden Jokes About Inappropriately Touching Women

UltraViolet Says Biden’s Response Proves He’s Not Listening to Women

Moments ago, news outlets reported that, in his first public appearance since multiple women have come forward to accuse former Vice President Joe Biden of touching them inappropriately, Biden made two jokes about controversy.

According to The Hill, “… the jokes came just two days after Biden released a video that sought to contain a crisis that appeared to be threatening his expected campaign. In the video, Biden did not directly apologize to women who have complained he invaded their personal space, but acknowledged that times have changed and said he would change his behavior.”

Biden subsequently refused to apologize for his behavior, saying, “I’m not sorry for any of my intentions. I’m not sorry for anything that I have ever done. I have never been disrespectful intentionally to a man or a woman. So that’s not the reputation I’ve had since I was in high school, for god’s sakes.

Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet, a leading national women’s group, issued the following statement, criticizing Biden for joking about inappropriately touching women and refusing to apologize for his actions:

“Joe Biden needs to own and learn from his mistakes – and that includes listening to the people who say that he harmed them and apologizing to them directly – not making jokes about it a day later.  

“What he did was  shameful, and not how a so-called ‘champion for women’ should act – or treat people. Touching people without their consent, and making jokes about it, only adds insult to injury and sends a crystal clear signal to women, and the American people at large – that he just doesn’t respect them.  Whatever gains he may have made with people who were giving him the benefit of the doubt yesterday, he lost today.

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