Women’s Group on Netflix’s Announcement to ‘Rethink’ Filming in Georgia if Six-Week Abortion Ban Goes Into Effect

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, May 29, 2019

CONTACT:  Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group on Netflix’s Announcement to ‘Rethink’ Filming in Georgia if Six-Week Abortion Ban Goes Into Effect

GEORGIA — Yesterday, Netflix announced that it will “rethink” filming in Georgia if the State’s Republican-led six-week abortion ban takes effect.

In reaction to the announcement, Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet, a leading national women’s group that urged Netflix to pull out of Georgia in the wake of the State’s dangerous and unconstitutional abortion ban, issued the following statement:

“Netflix’s announcement that it will ‘rethink’ filming in Georgia if the state’s dangerous and unconstitutional abortion ban goes into effect is a step in the right direction – but these laws, and their impacts, are real now – no matter what happens in the Courts. Abortion is already inaccessible for millions of women in the South and across the country. Netflix’s statement is appreciated, however, waiting on the courts to act focuses on a distinction without a difference. The crisis moment is now.

“Republicans like Governor Kemp don’t care about women. They do care about money, though, and Netflix brings millions of dollars to Georgia each year by filming in the state. We need Netflix to engage in this fight and use its economic power to speak out for Georgia women, and the hundreds of women who work on Netflix productions, to set an example for the whole country that putting women in danger has consequences – and refuse to do business in the State until the law is repealed.”

UltraViolet commissioned a plane to fly over Netflix headquarters, warning that Georgia’s impending legislation would put millions of women’s lives and quality of life at risk.

VIEW PHOTOS HERE: https://twitter.com/UltraViolet/status/1116789193085046784

More than 35,000 people have signed onto a petition from UltraViolet calling on Netflix to speak up for Georgia women and stop filming in the State. Thousands of UltraViolet members also took action on social media, sending thousands of tweets to Netflix demanding they stand up for women’s rights and sharing how abortion bans impact them.

VIEW THE PETITION HERE: https://act.weareultraviolet.org/sign/GA_6Weekban_Netflix

