Women’s Group Reacts to Breonna Taylor Shooting Settlement in Louisville

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, September 15, 2020
CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group Reacts to Breonna Taylor Shooting Settlement in Louisville

Earlier today, the City of Louisville agreed to a ‘substantial’ settlement after the Shooting of 26-year-old Breonna Taylor.

In response, Shaunna Thomas, executive Director of UltraViolet, a national women’s advocacy group, released the following statement:

“While the Taylor family’s settlement with the City of Louisville is an important step toward closure and healing – we will not be placated or pacified until we have justice for Breonna Taylor.

“That means firing, arresting and prosecuting the police officers responsible for murdering Breonna Taylor and shifting the city’s financial priorities away from policing communities and towards investing in them.”

“UltraViolet stands in solidarity with Breonna Taylor’s family and activists from Black Lives Matter Louisville.

Since Breonna Taylor’s death on March 13th, UltraViolet has collaborated with Black Lives Matter activists in Louisville, Kentucky to:

Take out a full page ad in the Louisville Courier Journal for what would have been her 27th birthday on Friday, June 5th.
Fly a plane over downtown Louisville with a banner reading “BREONNA WAS ESSENTIAL. DEFUND LMPD.”
Air a TV ad in late July on CBS, NBC, FOX and ABS affiliates in Louisville urging the Attorney General and Mayor Fischer to fire, arrest and charge the officers responsible for Breonna’s death.
Ask major employers in Louisville, including Humana, Ford and UPS to take a stand to demand justice for Breonna in a joint letter.
Air the TV ad again during local media coverage of the Kentucky Derby.

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