UltraViolet Responds to Overturning of Bill Cosby’s Sexual Assault Conviction

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, June 30, 2021
CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet Responds to Overturning of Bill Cosby’s Sexual Assault Conviction

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Moments ago, Pennsylvania State’s Supreme Court released an eighty-page opinion overturning Bill Cosby’s 2019 sexual assault conviction, including his prison sentence. Citing a “non-prosecution agreement” with a previous prosecutor, the court claims Cosby is no longer culpable under Pennsylvania law.

In response, Shaunna Thomas, executive director of UltraViolet, a leading national women’s advocacy group, issued the following statement:

“Bill Cosby is a serial sexual abuser. The idea that Pennsylvania’s state court would convict a man of sexual assault, only to vacate that conviction two years later on appeal due to a ‘non-prosecution agreement,’ is exactly the kind of systemic misogyny laden within the law that #MeToo fights against. This decision further demonstrates the profound need for change in our legal system — to center survivors and their experiences, not abusers.

“We stand with all sixty survivors of Cosby’s actions, who bravely came forward with their experiences, which include being drugged, raped, assaulted, threatened and gaslighted, only to find their abuser let off the hook.

“Today is a blow to survivors everywhere, who deserve so much better than this.”

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