UltraViolet Applauds Survivors for Class Action Lawsuit Against Liberty University After School Enabled Sexual Assault & Abuse

CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet Applauds Survivors for Class Action Lawsuit Against Liberty University After School Enabled Sexual Assault & Abuse

LYNCHBURG, VA — Earlier this week, twelve women, all former Liberty University employees or students, joined a class action lawsuit alleging that Liberty University mishandled sexual abuse on campus and suppressed complaints of sexual assault and rape.

Filed in District Court of the Eastern District of New York, the lawsuit alleges that the university policies violated the federal Title IX law prohibiting discrimination based on sex at schools that receive federal funding.

In response, Elisa Batista, campaign director at UltraViolet, a leading national women’s advocacy organization, issued the following statement:

“Although former Liberty University president Jerry Falwell, Jr. resigned last year after a series of scandals, recent news of the school’s appalling mishandling of rape and sexual abuse allegations illustrate that his legacy is very much alive and well.

“For years, Liberty University has embraced a rape apologism and coerced survivors into silence. It’s clear the school has gone to great lengths to protect sexual abusers over the women survivors who worked, studied and utilized school facilities on campus.

“The reality is that sexual abuse is pervasive within American educational institutions, especially university campuses. Women between 18 and 24 who attend college are three times more likely to experience sexual assault than women not living on a college campus. 26% of undergraduate women experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation. These numbers are equally staggering and disturbing.

“We offer our unequivocal support to each of the twelve survivors who bravely came forward to join this class action lawsuit against Liberty University. Everyone deserves to study free of sexual violence, regardless of their gender identity. Those institutions who fail to uphold this basic standard must be held accountable.”

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