Women’s Group Calls for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to Resign After Saying Misogynistic Threats Against Speaker Pelosi

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, August 2, 2021
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group Calls for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to Resign After Saying Misogynistic Threats Against Speaker Pelosi

WASHINGTON, DC — In reaction to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s misogynistic threats of violence against Speaker Pelosi, UltraViolet, a leading national gender justice organization called for his resignation from the US House of Representatives.

According to reports, over the weekend McCarthy, who was the keynote speaker for the Tennessee GOP’s annual Statesmen’s Dinner, was presented at the event with an oversized gavel. He then told members of the crowd that it would “be hard not to hit” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) with the gavel if he becomes speaker.

Bridget Todd, communications director at UltraViolet, explained:

“Kevin McCarthy’s comments threatening violence against Speaker Pelosi are disgraceful, misogynistic and wholly unacceptable. It should not be lost on anyone that Minority Leader McCarthy’s comments directly echo the violent online harassment, and real world violence manifested in the January 6th insurrection, that threatens the life of Speaker Nancy Pelosi on a regular basis.

“These statements have implications not just for the safety of Speaker Pelosi and other women in Congress, but also for all women in the form of policy. With Kevin McCarthy voting against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act – it is clear that his comments are reflective of his deeply held beliefs about how women should be treated and valued.”

The fact that McCarthy has not yet apologized for his dangerous, inciting words should send a clear signal to everyone that he is not fit to serve as a member of Congress, or in any position of elected responsibility. He should resign.”

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