500+ Sexual Abuse Survivors from New York Send Letter to State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins Asking Her to Move Swiftly in Removing Governor Cuomo from Office

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, August 6, 2021
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com

500+ Sexual Abuse Survivors from New York Send Letter to State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins Asking Her to Move Swiftly in Removing Governor Cuomo from Office

Letter Organized by UltraViolet Comes Argues Cuomo is Unfit to Serve, and Should Be Removed from Office Immediately

NEW YORK — More than 500 sexual abuse survivors from New York have signed onto a letter sent to New York State Senate President Pro Tempore and Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins asking her to move swiftly to remove Governor Andrew Cuomo from office.

The letter, organized by UltraViolet, a leading gender justice organization that has called for Governor Cuomo to be removed from office since early March 2021, urges Democrats in the State Legislature to take the findings of Attorney General Leticia James’ report seriously and send a clear message to all New Yorkers that sexual abuse will not be tolerated.

The letter reads:

We write as survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones urging you to publicly commit to moving swiftly to remove Governor Cuomo from office.
We stand with the women who came forward and shared their experiences at great risk to their own safety and well being. It is clear that Governor Cuomo is unfit to represent New York state. He should resign, but if he refuses, you must act immediately to remove him from office.
The investigative report by Attorney General James’ office proves what we already knew — Andrew Cuomo harassed employees and his behavior violated state and federal law. We implore Democrats who called for this investigation to take the results seriously. Anything less is unacceptable and a flagrant disregard for past, present and future employees and residents of New York State.
Attorney General James’ investigation was based on widespread and credible evidence that Cuomo harassed his former and current employees. We commend AG James for her professionalism and objective work in pursuance of this report.
We urge you to side with survivors and women, and demand that Governor Cuomo resign or be removed from office.
READ THE FULL LETTER HERE: https://act.weareultraviolet.org/sign/surivors_letter_cuomo/

Earlier this week, UltraViolet commissioned a plane banner to fly over the State Capitol Building in Albany reading: “THE REPORT IS IN. REMOVE CUOMO NOW.”

UltraViolet also signed onto a letter organized by the National Women’s Law Center calling on New York State legislators to remove Governor Cuomo from office.

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