With Reproductive Rights in Peril, UltraViolet Slams Senate After Failure to Pass Women’s Health Protection Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, May 11, 2022
CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

With Reproductive Rights in Peril, UltraViolet Slams Senate After Failure to Pass Women’s Health Protection Act

WASHINGTON, DC — Moments ago, the US Senate failed to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act. Passed by the House of Representatives last year, the bill would have protected the right to access safe and legal abortion by stopping restrictive regulations and laws, such as SB8 in Texas, intended to curtail reproductive health services.

The measure would have created a federal protection for abortion rights in the wake of reports that the Supreme Court plans to overturn Roe v. Wade.

In response, Sonja Spoo, director of reproductive rights campaigns at UltraViolet, a leading national gender equity advocacy organization, issued the following statement:

“We expect and demand that this be the first step, not the last step in Congress’ efforts to protect our fundamental rights and freedoms. This is an unprecedented moment and it demands a commensurate response. We’re well past the moment of show votes or more Washington double talk. This vote was important for showing the American people where their leaders stand on our Constitutional rights and freedoms but it can not be the final say. We need our elected leaders to act with the urgency this moment demands. No Senate rule or procedure is more important than our elected leaders doing their jobs and fighting for our rights. We’re taking to the streets this weekend and we will be marching, protesting and holding our elected leaders accountable straight until election day. We are the majority and we will not be silenced.”

UltraViolet is a lead organizer for the May 14th “Bans off Our Bodies” day of action for abortion rights and reproductive freedom. Hundreds of thousands of people across the United States are expected to turn out at events planned in all 50 states, with major, anchor events planned in New York City, Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington, DC.

FIND AN EVENT NEAR YOU HERE: https://www.mobilize.us/ppaf/

Abortion restrictions are unpopular: 80% of Americans want abortion to remain legal. Nearly 1 in 4 women will have an abortion in their lifetime.

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