UltraViolet on Match Group Halting Political Donations in the Wake of the Supreme Court Decision on Abortion Rights

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, July 8, 2022
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet on Match Group Halting Political Donations in the Wake of the Supreme Court Decision on Abortion Rights

Group Says Match.com is the first to acknowledge their political giving was out of step with their company’s values and every major corporation bankrolling the anti-abortion movement should take notice.

Statement from Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director at UltraViolet, a leading gender justice organization, on Match Group ending political donations to Attorneys General candidates in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling eliminating Constitutional protections for abortion:

“Match Group’s announcement that it will be pausing some political donations in the wake of the Supreme Court decision gutting Constitutional protections for abortion rights is an important step in corporate accountability.

“The Republican Party is pushing an extremist agenda – one that is focused on rolling back the rights of women, pregnant people, members of the LGBTQ+ community and the civil rights of Black and Brown voters across the United States. In response to abortion bans, hundreds of corporations have publicly announced they will provide benefits and services to employees who need abortions. But those commitments are meaningless if they are also funding the very politicians attacking the basic rights of their employees.

“While the influence of corporate money in our political system is toxic in and of itself – if Match Group and other major corporations paid attention to the political stances of who it gave to, they would have seen this coming. Abortion is a bellwether issue that often also indicates a politician’s support for other extreme and dangerous bills aimed at rolling back basic rights including bills that further restrict the Civil Rights for LGBTQ+ people and people of color. If you support abortion bans – you are more likely to support attacks on LGBTQ+ kids and more likely to support measures to disenfranchise Black, Indigenous, and other people of color at the ballot box.

“Match Group – and all other major corporations – should be making their political giving decisions in alignment with their values as a company. UltraViolet and our over one million members will be demanding they do just that.

This month, UltraViolet released new data showing that political campaign spending from 111 of America’s largest companies heavily supports anti-abortion politicians who favor abortion bans in 26 states. The group also launched a new website supporting this data that details where corporate donations and corporate PACS most prominently support anti-choice politicians, how much they spend per state, and how concerned citizens can become civically involved.

VIEW THE WEBSITE HERE: https://reproreceipts.com

VIEW THE REPORT HERE: https://weareuv.us/rrmemo
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