UltraViolet on Hulu Reversing It’s Ad Policy to Allow Ads on Abortion and Gun Control 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, July 27, 2022
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com 

UltraViolet on Hulu Reversing It’s Ad Policy to Allow Ads on Abortion and Gun Control 

Gender Justice Group Celebrates Hulu’s Reversal Saying Abortion and Gun Control Are Not Controversial Issues; Warns Platform Against Accepting Ads With Misinformation or Disinformation About Topics 

In reaction to Hulu announcing that it has reversed its ad policy and will now allow ads on the platform that discuss abortion and gun control, Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet, a leading national gender justice organization, issued the following statement: 

“Disney’s decision to allow political advertisements that reference abortion and gun control on Hulu’s ad platofrm is the right decision, and it shouldn’t have taken public pressure from activists to get there.

“Abortion and gun control are not controversial issues that Disney and Hulu claim they are. The overwhelming majority of Americans support access to abortion (85 percent believe it should be legal in some or all circumstances) and common sense gun safety reforms (nearly 68 percent back stricter gun laws). Accurate and accessible advertisements related to abortion care is critical to ensuring the public health and safety of viewers and can help limit the spread of dangerous disinformation. 

“But Disney and Hulu must make sure this change in policy does not become a tool for bad actors to run ads spreading dangerous medical disinformation about abortion. We need Hulu to lay out a clear policy that allows discussion of these topics, but limits that discussion to factual, real information that benefits its viewers.”

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