UltraViolet Says Corporate Donations to Anti-Choice Politicians Made National Fifteen Week Abortion Ban Bill Possible

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, September 14, 2022
CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com 

UltraViolet Says Corporate Donations to Anti-Choice Politicians Made National Fifteen Week Abortion Ban Bill Possible

New Senate bill would ban most abortions after fifteen weeks nationwide

Yesterday, Senator Lindsay Graham introduced a National bill that would ban abortion after 15 weeks using an unproven claim that fetuses can feel pain at that stage in a pregnancy.

In response, Sonja Spoo, Political Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy at UltraViolet, a national gender justice organization, issued the following statement:

“This bill is a vivid reminder that the Republican Party’s national priority is to impose its radical anti-woman, anti-family agenda on all Americans–brought to you by corporate America.

“After working for decades to hijack our Courts and impose draconian restrictions on women and pregnant people across the country, the GOP doesn’t think that they’ve gone far enough. The corporations who finance their political campaigns made everything from this legislation, to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and statewide abortion bans and restrictions in dozens of states possible.  In our view, these companies are equally to blame.

“For AT&T, Google, Comcast, General Motors, and many more, funding political campaigns for anti-abortion candidates is ‘business as usual,’  but the American people know this practice is unacceptable. Shame on these corporations.”

Earlier this year, UltraViolet released a report and website detailing how political campaign spending from 111 of America’s largest companies heavily supports anti-abortion politicians who favor abortion bans in 26 states The report shows where corporate donations and corporate PACs most prominently support anti-choice politicians, how much they spend per state, and how concerned citizens can become civically involved. The report is the latest addition to UltraViolet’s Repro Receipts campaign.

VIEW THE WEBSITE HERE: https://reproreceipts.com 

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