UltraViolet Applauds Members of Congress Who Voted Against HB30

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, January 17, 2025

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet Applauds Members of Congress Who Voted Against HB30

Says Bill Would Weaponize the Immigration System Against Survivors of Abuse, Lead to Decrease in Reporting of Attacks

Statement from Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director, at UltraViolet, the nation’s leading online feminist organization, applauding members of Congress, like Rep. Davin Min, who voted against HB30:

“Addressing our nation’s sexual violence epidemic should be a top national priority, but HR30 doesn’t do that, instead it scapegoats immigrants while putting survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse at greater risk.

“This legislation weaponizes the immigration system against survivors and forces immigrant women into the shadows by deterring them from reporting attacks against them. We can and must do better.

“We applaud members of Congress like Rep. David Min for seeing through the lies of this bill and standing up for women and survivors of abuse.”

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