Andrew Puzder’s Downfall Is The First Big Win For Women In The Trump Era

(Huffington Post)

Women’s groups have been relentless in voicing their opposition to Puzder’s nomination.

“He will be bad for women, bad for workers, and bad for women who work,” Ultraviolet, a national women’s advocacy organization, said when Trump announced his pick for labor secretary. “Good riddance,” the group said Wednesday in a statement.

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To underscore the reality that was distorted on the ground, UltraViolet, a national women’s organization, commissioned a plane to fly a banner near the march. “ABORTION ACCESS MORE POPULAR THAN DONALD TRUMP,” it read. The group also took out an ad in a free local paper to remind the marchers that 70 percent of Americans support abortion access.

“We know that Donald Trump cares about his approval ratings and doesn’t care about facts. So here is a fact he, and those who will be marching today, will especially hate—abortion access is more popular than Donald Trump,” said Shaunna Thomas, co-founder of UltraViolet, in a statement. “To drive this point home, we’re launching this campaign and timing the launch to today’s march. Like the small number of Americans who support Trump, Americans who support taking away women’s freedom to choose are not the majority.”

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Trump’s Planned Elimination of Violence Against Women Grants Is Pure Cruelty


“A man with a well-documented history of sexually assaulting women is about to take over the federal government so it is sadly not surprising that he is gutting programs vital to protecting women from violence,” Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of women’s-rights group UltraViolet said in a statement. “With these cuts, Trump is also making it harder for law enforcement to protect women from predators like himself and members of his senior staff.”

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NYPD captain draws outrage after saying ‘true stranger rapes’ are more troubling than others

(The Washington Post)

“Rape is a crime — whether you know the rapist or not, whether you are on Tinder or not — and it is the responsibility of law enforcement to investigate, prosecute and hold rapists accountable for their crimes — period, full stop,” Nita Chaudhary, the group’s founder, told the Huffington Post.

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3K Sexual Assault Survivors Tell GOP ‘Stop Enabling Trump’ in Full-Page Washington Post Ad

(The Wrap)

We write as survivors of sexual assault to express our disgust at the Republican nominee for President’s vile treatment of women,” ad says

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Women’s Group Dissects Sexism in Matt Lauer’s Questioning of Hillary Clinton, Demands More Female Moderators for Presidential Debates

(People Magazine)

“I think people are outraged by not only Matt Lauer’s moderation but the sexism that was contained in that moderation, and I think that that is creating a moment where people are really thinking about what is going to happen in these debates and what do we need as voters?”

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School athlete’s sex assault case in Mass. compared to Stanford case

(Associated Press)

‘‘These cases are both examples of rape culture at work,’’ said Karin Roland, chief campaigns officer at the women’s advocacy group UltraViolet.

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Video calls out all the sexist Olympic coverage


A video by UltraViolet — a national women’s advocacy group known for conducting online campaigns to highlight women’s issues such as violence, maternity leave and equal rights — calls out the media for some of the blatant sexism that has been displayed thus far during the 2016 Olympics coverage.

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This Ad Supporting Equal Pay for Women’s Soccer Players Will Air During the Olympics


The U.S. women’s national soccer team is getting a nice PR boost for its fight for equal pay during the Olympics. A new ad from UltraViolet, a feminist advocacy group, makes a concise argument against a current U.S. Soccer payment structure that pays the men’s team more for just showing up to a game than it pays women for a major win. It will air on NBC stations in Seattle and Baltimore on Tuesday, when the networks will air the U.S. women’s soccer team’s game against Colombia at 6 p.m., and on news sites for sports outlets like ESPN and Sports Illustrated.

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Roger Ailes May Be Forced Out at Fox News This Week


On Monday, the women’s advocacy organization UltraViolet also announced the nearly 50,000 people have signed the group’s petition calling for Ailes’ removal as head of Fox News.

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