15,000 Back Speaker Pelosi in Taking Action Against Rep. Boebert for Threatening Islamophobic Comments Towards Rep. Omar

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, December 7, 2021
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com

15,000 Back Speaker Pelosi in Taking Action Against Rep. Boebert for Threatening Islamophobic Comments Towards Rep. Omar

Statement from Bridget Todd, communications director at UltraViolet, a leading national gender justice organization, which organized more than 15,000 people in a petition calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to condemn Rep. Lauren Boebert’s Islamophobic and threatening comments towards Rep. Ilhan Omar, and remove Boebert from her committee spot:
“Representative Lauren Boebert took to the floor of the House last month and made violent, racist comments about Representative Ilhan Omar as part of her defense of Representative Paul Gosar, who tweeted an animation of himself murdering Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“And when called on it, Boebert bragged that she had called Omar a terrorist to her face before. Directly following Boebert’s Islamophobic comments, Omar received a death threat on her voicemail.

“There must be a standard of safety for our representatives in the halls of Congress. Omar should not have to work in a toxic environment of racism and hatred. Allowing Boebert’s abusive actions sets a chilling precedent for how women of color leaders are treated in Congress, and whether these women will want to run for office in the first place.

“That’s why we are pleased that Speaker Pelosi plans to take action in the coming days to condemn Lauren Boebert, and remove her from her committees.”

Over the weekend, Rep. Omar said she was confident that Pelosi would take action against Boebert this week.

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