50,000 Join in to Demand Justice for Daisy in Maryville Rape Case

More than 50,000 people have joined national anti-sexism group UltraViolet to demand full justice for two young teenagers and their families in the Maryville rape case on the heels of news that Prosecutor Bob Rice will be appointing a new special prosecutor to the case. With much evidence that the first case was botched, and Mr. Rice’s public press conference yesterday which included blame being thrown at even the young victims in the case, many feel public pressure will be essential to ensuring justice in this second round of prosecution.

See the petition calling on Attorney General Chris Koster to ensure justice in the case here: http://act.weareultraviolet.org/sign/justice_daisy_maryville/

“We are encouraged to hear that Prosecutor Bob Rice has asked the courts to appoint a special prosecutor for the Maryville rape case,” said Karin Roland, Campaign Manager for UltraViolet. “Daisy deserves justice. But yesterday’s press conference shined a light on just how biased and incompetent this prosecution has been so far. Women all over the country, including survivors of sexual assault, are fed up with a justice system that tolerates rape–and we are taking notice. We plan to push until every responsible person in Maryville is held accountable for their actions in allowing two young teenage girls to be raped without any consequences for the rapists. In a world where 1 in 5 women will experience attempted or completed rape in her lifetime, we cannot afford to ask for anything short of justice for Daisy.”

The petition ask to AG Koster reads: No one should get away with raping a 14-year-old girl just because of his powerful family connections. Use your authority as Attorney General to investigate the rapes in Maryville, Missouri, and punish the rapist, the prosecutor, anyone else who used their position to block justice for Daisy Coleman.

UltraViolet is planning to escalate public pressure across Missouri in the coming weeks. More details will be released at the beginning of next week.


