Action Outside Sen. Bennet’s Denver Office Demands Accountability for Gorsuch Suppor

MEDIA ADVISORY FOR:  Tuesday, April 4, 2017

CONTACT:  Brett Abrams | 516-841-1105 |


TUES 12:00pm: Action Outside Sen. Bennet’s Denver Office Demands Accountability for Gorsuch Support

Groups to Form Human Picket Line Around Office, Deliver 8000+ Signatures, and Life-Size Spine Replica to Bennet’s Office 

DENVER  — On Tuesday, April 4th, members of Together We Will Colorado, CREDO,, NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado, Indivisible Front Range Resistance, and UltraViolet will rally outside Sen. Michael Bennet’s Denver office to let him know that his capitulation to the Trump Administration, by not joining forty-one other Senators in opposing Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court, is unacceptable to Colorado voters.  Protesters will form a human picket line around Senator Bennet’s office before delivering a life-size spine replica, and more than 8000 signatures to Sen. Bennet’s staff.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 4th. 12:00pm – 1:15pm MT.

  • At 12:00pm MT people will gather at the Colorado History Museum at the corner of 12th and Lincoln Streets.  From there, protesters will start a picket line wrapping around Bennet’s office.
  • At 12:45pm MT, members of UltraViolet and CREDO will deliver a life-size spine replica.

WHERE: Senator Bennet’s Denver Office.

1127 Sherman St. Suite 150. Denver, CO. 80203


“Sen. Bennet just chose Donald Trump over the people of Colorado,” CREDO Political Director Murshed Zaheed said. “A vote to side with Republicans and advance Gorsuch’s confirmation will tarnish Sen. Bennet’s reputation for the rest of his career,” he continued, adding, “If Sen. Bennet supports the core values of the Democratic Party he’ll reverse course and join the Democratic filibuster of right-wing extremist Neil Gorsuch.”

“Yesterday, Senator Bennet let us know whose side he’s on – and it’s not the side that supports the rights of women, LGBTQ people, communities of color and Colorado workers.  By backing Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court, Bennet’s has capitulated to the worst abuses of the Trump Administration and the grassroots movement that has emerged since the election – we’ll make sure he is held accountable,”explained Shaunna Thomas, co-founder of UltraViolet.

“We have been protesting outside Senator Gardner’s office for ten weeks, but with the news that Senator Bennet would not be supporting the Democratic filibuster of Trump’s nominee to a lifetime Supreme Court appointment, we knew we had to focus our attention on him. That’s why we’re here today to picket his office and send a message loud and clear: We object to Gorsuch,” added Colorado MoveOn member, Geof Cahoon.

“I am outraged by the news that Senator Bennet won’t support the Democratic filibuster of Neil Gorsuch,”said Amy Long, who started a petition on CREDO Mobilize. “Democrats should be doing everything they can to stop Trump’s nominee – not joining Republicans to confirm him,” she continued. “That’s why I started the petition demanding he stand up to Trump,” Long added. “Senator Bennet’s planned cloture vote is a vote against Colorado women, immigrants, refugees, the LGBTQ community, and our environment.”




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