Ahead of Rep. Paul Ryan’s Town Hall, Rally To Call Out Ryan For Failing to Hold Trump Accountable for Defending White Supremacists

MEDIA ADVISORY FOR:  Monday, August 21, 20175:00pm CT

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | 516-841-1105 | brett@unbendablemedia.com

MONDAY 5PM: Ahead of Rep. Paul Ryan’s Town Hall, Rally To Call Out Ryan For Failing to Hold Trump Accountable for Defending White Supremacists

Plane Flies Over Racine Reading: “RYAN: STOP RACIST TRUMP”

RACINE, WISCONSIN — On Monday, August 21st, ahead of Rep. Paul Ryan’s town hall event in Wisconsin, local members of UltraViolet,  Wisconsin Working Families Party and Forward Racine will rally outside the Racine Theatre Guild where the town hall will be held, demanding that Speaker Ryan hold President Trump accountable for defending neo-nazis and white supremacists.  UltraViolet, the Working Families Party and Forward Racine argue that with white supremacists in the White House, Speaker Ryan must do more than just call out nazis on Twitter – he must take active steps to hold President Trump accountable for defending white supremacists and neo-nazi violence in Charlottesville.

UltraViolet and the Working Families Party have also commissioned a plane to fly over Racine ahead of the town hall with a banner reading, “RYAN: STOP RACIST TRUMP.”

WHEN:  Monday, August 21st. 5:30pm – 7:30pm CT

WHERE: Speaker Ryan’s CNN Town Hall. Racine Theatre Guild. 2519 Northwestern Ave, Racine, WI


In addition to the plane, local members of UltraViolet, Wisconsin Working Families Party, and Forward Racine will rally outside of the Racine Theatre Guild ahead of Rep. Ryan’s town hall calling on Speaker Ryan to take active steps to hold Trump accountable for his ongoing defense of neo-nazis and white supremacists.

WHEN: Monday, August 21st. 5:00pm CT

WHERE: Speaker Ryan’s Town Hall. Racine Theatre Guild. 2519 Northwestern Ave, Racine, WI

LOCAL CONTACT: Sharon Erwin | 262-930-3912

FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://www.facebook.com/events/1921154201486705/

VIEW A LIVESTREAM OF THE RALLY HERE:  https://www.facebook.com/WIWFP/

“The President of the United States is a white supremacist sympathizer and Republican leadership in Congress have only enabled this terrifying reality,” explained Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet.  “Speaker Ryan must have the courage to say more than just that nazis are bad, he must take real action to hold President Trump accountable for supporting and sympathizing with neo-Nazi violence in Charlottesville.  Vague admonishments and subtweeting Donald Trump is not moral leadership, it’s cowardice – and we demand better.”

“Trump has been fanning the flames of white supremacy since the early days of his campaign, in rhetoric and in policy,” said Amanda Johnson, Resist Trump campaign director at the Working Families Party. “And Republican leaders like Speaker Paul Ryan have sat silently and let it continue. Real leadership would be denouncing white supremacy wherever it rears its ugly head, whether in the administration or in our public space. It’s time for Speaker Ryan to stand up, repudiate Trump and all white supremacists in the administration, and hold them accountable.”

“Paul Ryan has not held a town hall with his Wisconsin constituents in almost two years, it has taken CNN to organize a media event for him to face the public.  It is time for Paul Ryan to stop supporting openly racist Trump and listen to his constituents. Forward Racine actively opposes white supremacy, racism and antisemitism,” added Leann Pomaville with Forward Racine.

“Paul Ryan needs to put country before party and do what’s right for America,” said Marina Dimitrijevic, executive director of Wisconsin Working Families Party. “He’s ignored us, refusing to meet with us for more than 650 days. Now that he’s finally addressing voters, we want to hear him denounce Trump’s racism and what he’s going to do to eradicate white supremacists in the Trump administration.”

Ahead of the town hall, members of UltraViolet have been tweeting at CNN’s Jake Tapper, urging him to make sure that Speaker Ryan cannot dodge questions about white supremacy and what he is planning to do to hold President Trump accountable for supporting and defending white supremacist violence in Charlottesville.

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