BREAKING: Women’s Group Responds to New Sexual Assault Accusations Against Brett Kavanaugh

For Immediate Release: September 23, 2018

Contact: Anna Zuccaro | | (914) 523-9145

BREAKING: Women’s Group Responds to New Sexual Assault Accusations Against Brett Kavanaugh

Moments ago, The New Yorker reported a new sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

In response, Shaunna Thomas, Co-Founder of leading women’s advocacy organization UltraViolet Action, issued the following statement:

“We believe Deborah Ramirez. We believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Brett Kavanaugh must withdraw.

“Ramirez’s accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, like Ford’s are deeply disturbing and wholly unacceptable. Ramirez’s story is yet more proof that Kavanaugh should have already withdrawn his nomination for the Supreme Court, and Senators must demand he withdraw now.

“What makes this all the more sinister is that reports indicate Republicans in the Senate knew of Ramirez’s accusations as early as last week, and rather than rejecting Kavanaugh’s nomination, they hoped to speed up the process and hide the truth from the American people. Shame on them.

“Violence against women should have no place in our society and it certainly should have no place on the highest court in the nation. This charade has gone on long enough: Kavanaugh must withdraw immediately. Voters are watching.”

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