Gender Advocacy Group Renews Call to NFL: Suspend Deshaun Watson Indefinitely Without Pay for Sexual Assaulting At Least 22 Women

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, March 28, 2022
CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro |

Gender Advocacy Group Renews Call to NFL: Suspend Deshaun Watson Indefinitely Without Pay for Sexual Assaulting At Least 22 Women

UltraViolet Says NFL should suspend Deshaun Watson immediately without pay as Watson faces 22 civil accusing him sexual assault and misconduct

CLEVELAND, OH — Last week, the Cleveland Browns signed a $230 million contract with Deshaun Watson to play quarterback in their upcoming 2022 season. Watson currently faces 22 civil lawsuits arguing Watson sexually assaulted and abused twenty-two women.

Watson faces a possible suspension due to an NFL investigation into allegations of sexual abuse. Grand juries in two Texas counties declined to indict Watson, despite the active claims in the civil lawsuits.

In reaction to the news, Elisa Batista, campaign director at UltraViolet, a leading national women’s advocacy group, issued the following statement urging the NFL to suspend Watson indefinitely without pay:

“Almost exactly on year ago, we urged the NFL to suspend Deshaun Watson immediately without pay after news surfaced that Watson sexually assaulted at least 22 women. The NFL and Commissioner Roger Goodell turned a blind eye to the disturbing news about Watson, as they have so many times after players are accused of domestic violence or sexual abuse.

“Three days ago, the Cleveland Browns signed Watson as their new quarterback for a whopping $230 million contract. For survivors everywhere, many of whom are or were fans of the Browns, this is insulting and degrading.

“Although the NFL insisted the matter was ‘under review’ twelve months ago, the league has yet to take action against Watson. How can the NFL and Roger Goodell indefinitely suspend players like Calvin Ridley for betting on games and ignore abusers like Deshaun Watson who face 22 separate lawsuits accusing him of sexual assault?

“We urge the NFL to suspend Deshaun Watson immediately without pay and stop this callous indifference to violence against women.”

In 2015, UltraViolet called for Commissioner Roger Goodell to be fired for failing to protect women working for the NFL. UltraViolet ran the #GoodellMustGo campaign, which included plane banners and advertisements carrying the message during NFC and AFC championship games and the Super Bowl.

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