Gender Justice Group Thanks Advocates for Reincorporation of Paid Leave into Build Back Better Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, November 3, 2021
CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro |

Gender Justice Group Thanks Advocates for Reincorporation of Paid Leave into Build Back Better Act

WASHINGTON, DC — Moments ago, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that House Democrats will add paid family and medical leave back into the Build Back Better Act. The bill proposes four weeks of paid leave, shorter than the 12 weeks Democrats initially hoped to include in the legislation.

Statement from Shaunna Thomas, executive director of UltraViolet, a national gender justice advocacy group, on the passage of the Build Back Better Act:

“Thanks to the many paid leave advocates, activists, and community leaders, including thousands of UltraViolet members, paid family and medical leave have been incorporated back into the Build Back Better Act.

“We are grateful to every advocate and activist who kept up the fight for paid leave’s inclusion in this bill, even when the reality seemed bleak. Although four weeks is not exactly what we hoped for, we still owe this potentially historic victory to them. Paid leave’s reintroduction into the Build Back Better Act is critical, as it reflects the will of most voters who not only support the policy, but desperately need it to keep food on the table and pay their bills.. Women voters in particular need to see Congress listen to us by keeping paid leave in this bill. This is a winning policy and the right thing to do.

“Although the fight to pass the Build Back Better Act is not over, we continue to advocate alongside of advocacy leaders for the passage of the bill until the ink is dry.”

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