Group Slams Google’s Announcement of Official Live-Stream Partnership with GOP Convention

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, April 28, 2016
CONTACT:  Brett Abrams |
Group Slams Google’s Announcement of Official Live-Stream Partnership with GOP Convention
Statement from Karin Roland, Chief Campaigns Officer for UltraViolet Action.  UltraViolet Action is a national women’s advocacy organization and took part in today’s protests in San Francisco and Mountain View calling on Google to #DumpTrump:
“Google is a company that claims to value diversity, mutual respect and not being evil. But Google’s announcement today that they will be the official live-stream partner of the Republican National Convention puts them squarely in line with those that seek to divide us and spread hate.  Plain and simple – Donald Trump, the prospective Republican Party nominee, has lobbed racist, sexist and xenophobic attacks against entire groups of people, encouraged violence and vitriol against his political enemies and perpetuated a culture of violence against women throughout his campaign.  We are saddened to see Google not only eagerly align themselves with these values, but to actively work to promote them via their live-stream capabilities.  UltraViolet Action’s more than 700,000 members in the US will continue to press Google to live by their motto of “don’t be evil” and pull their support from the Republican National Convention this summer.”
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