UltraViolet Applauds House Passage of Women’s Health Protection Act, Urges Senate to Act Immediately

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, September 24, 2021
CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet Applauds House Passage of Women’s Health Protection Act, Urges Senate to Act Immediately

WASHINGTON, DC — Moments ago, The House of Representatives voted to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act. If passed by the Senate, the bill would protect women’s right to access safe and legal abortion by stopping restrictive regulations and laws, such as SB8 in Texas, intended to curtail reproductive health services.

In response, Sonja Spoo, director of reproductive rights campaigns at UltraViolet, a leading national women’s advocacy organization, issued the following statement:
“Now more than ever, securing our rights to reproductive health care at the federal level is absolutely critical. We applaud the House for working swiftly to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act. If passed by the Senate, the bill would prohibit state regulations that force unduly burdensome requirements on anyone seeking reproductive health services. For example, requiring doctors to perform medically unnecessary tests and procedures or preventing doctors from prescribing and dispensing medication as needed. However, our greatest challenge lies ahead in the Senate.
“Over the past several weeks, right-wing extremists have inched us closer and closer toward a society without the precedent of Roe v. Wade. Despite the Biden administration’s best efforts and legal challenges in several states, we cannot protect abortion access without federal protections like those in WHPA. A vote against WHPA is a vote for laws like SB8.
“We will do whatever it takes to ensure the passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act and urge Senators on both sides of the aisle to vote ‘yes’ without delay.”

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