UltraViolet Celebrates Passage of Historic Build Back Better Act in the House, Demands the Senate move forward to make this bill law without delay

CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet Celebrates Passage of Historic Build Back Better Act in the House, Demands the Senate move forward to make this bill law without delay

WASHINGTON, DC — Moments ago, the House of Representatives voted to pass President Biden’s Build Back Better Act, a major step for Congress toward passing the robust legislation.

In response, Shaunna Thomas, executive director of UltraViolet, a national gender justice advocacy group, issued the following statement.

“The Build Back Better Act was passed by the House because of the many advocates and activists, including UltraViolet’s 1.2 milion members, who stopped at nothing until Congress proposed a robust recovery plan to assist the millions whose lives were upended by the pandemic.

“The Build Back Better Act is a historic investment in America’s future that finally begins to meet the needs and demands of millions of women, especially women of color.

“As the pandemic continues, women continue to be forced out of their paid jobs at record numbers. That’s why our focus on care, paid leave, and healthcare in this bill is especially important. We also know that women and children bear the costs of climate change and its impacts on our communities. The dual investments in care and climate will help lift these burdens and set us on a better, more socially and economically sustainable path as a nation. When women thrive, our nation thrives.

“We are also grateful to the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Congresswoman Jayapal whose leadership ensured the transformative and life-changing elements of the bill remained intact.

“Build Back Better represents a promise kept by the President to center women and caregivers. It’s the best way forward to right the wrongs the pandemic brought to light toward relief. We look forward to seeing the same Build Back Better Act pass the Senate in the coming weeks including all of the transformative policies the House and President have supported.”

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