UltraViolet: Jesse Watters Comments About Ivanka Are Yet Another Example of the Culture of Sexual Harassment and Misogyny at Fox News

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Thursday, April 27, 2017
CONTACT:  Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com | (516) 841-1105

UltraViolet: Jesse Watters Comments About Ivanka Are Yet Another Example of the Culture of Sexual Harassment and Misogyny at Fox News

87,000 Call on 21st Century Fox to Fire Fox News President Bill Shine

Karin Roland, chief campaigns officer at UltraViolet, a leading women’s advocacy organization, on Jesse Watters comments and the need for 21st Century Fox to fire Fox News President Bill Shine:

“For years, Fox News President Bill Shine has actively provided cover for serial sexual abusers and misogynists – creating a culture where Jesse Watters and other Fox News hosts have been allowed to make racist and misogynist comments on-air with little to no accountability from the network.  Watters’ latest unacceptable comments about Ivanka Trump is just another example of how pervasive this culture has become – and proof positive that anything short of firing executives like Bill Shine will not fix the problem.

“If 21st Century Fox executives are serious about holding sexual predators, misogynists and their enablers accountable – they will fire Bill Shine and make public the results of a comprehensive investigation into sexual harassment at the company.  Unless they do, the next scandal for the network may just be weeks away.”

In addition to demanding that 21st Century Fox fire Bill O’Reilly, more than 87,000 UltraViolet members have called for co-President Bill Shine to be fired.  UltraViolet argues that Bill Shine was a key player in helping cover up sexual harassment and abuse at the network for years, and unless he is fired, the network is unlikely to be able to start fixing its company culture.

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