UltraViolet on Santa Clara County Prosecutors Decision to Block Judge Persky from a New Sex Crimes Case

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, June 15, 2016

CONTACT:  Brett Abrams | 516-841-1105 | brett@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet on Santa Clara County Prosecutors Decision to Block Judge Persky from a New Sex Crimes Case

Yesterday, Santa Clara County prosecutors removed Judge Aaron Persky from a new sex crimes case citing his sentencing decision of convicted rapist Brock Turner.  

In reaction to the Santa Clara County prosecutors decision, Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet, issued the following statement:

“Santa Clara County prosecutors rightly know that by protecting a privileged white rapist over the survivor of his crimes, Judge Aaron Persky has undermined confidence in our judicial system and is unfit to provide justice for the survivors of sexual assault.  We need judges that take rape and sexual assault seriously – and that’s why more than 1 million UltraViolet members from California to Maine are calling on the California Commission for Judicial Performance to move swiftly to remove Judge Persky from the bench.”

FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-brock-turner-judge-remove-20160614-snap-story.html

Last week, UltraViolet delivered over 1,000,000 signatures to the California Commission on Judicial Performance calling for the removal of Judge Aaron Persky from the bench.

On Sunday, as Stanford University students attended graduation and commencement ceremonies, UltraViolet commissioned a plane to fly over Stanford University with a banner reading, “Protect Survivors. Not Rapists. #PerskyMustGo.” A full-page ad in The Stanford Daily’s graduation issue also invited students and alumni to take a stand against rape culture by signing a letter calling for Judge Aaron Persky to be removed from the bench over his sentencing of convicted rapist Brock Turner.  

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UltraViolet is an online community of over 1,000,000 women and men who want to take collective action to expose and fight sexism in the public sector, private sector and the media. Find out more at WeAreUltraViolet.org.


