UltraViolet Reacts as Sen. Kamala Harris is Selected as the 2020 Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, August 11, 2020

CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

BREAKING: UltraViolet Reacts as Sen. Kamala Harris is Selected as the 2020 Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate

Statement from Shaunna Thomas, executive director of UltraViolet Action, a leading national women’s organization, on the selection of Sen. Kamala Harris as the 2020 Democratic candidate for Vice President of the United States:

“This is a long overdue and historic moment for women of color and for the whole country.”

“No Black or multiracial woman has ever been nominated as a Vice Presidential candidate of either major political party, and never has a woman or woman of color served in such a high profile job in the White House.”

“Kamala Harris has been a trailblazer her entire career. As the first Black woman Attorney General of California as well as the first Black woman Senator from California, she’s led with boldness and resiliency. She is not afraid to ask the tough questions and get the job done, holding corrupt corporations and government officials accountable. She’s championed criminal and social justice reform, such as ending the death penalty, limiting recidivism, protecting LGBTQ rights, and environmental protection. Harris has been incredibly effective at making the case against Trump, emphasizing her own values, and helping to unify the Democratic Party.”

“Harris’ positions, accomplishments, and years of service will make her an effective leader of the United States.”

“And electing a multiracial Black woman as Vice President, would register as a powerful repudiation of Trump, and the toxic sexism pulsing through American society that he manifests.”

“It would demonstrate that the American people, despite our current leader’s behavior, believe in equal respect and opportunity for women and that we trust women with the vast powers of the U.S. presidency. It would register as a powerful statement about America’s belief that gender equality is a core principle of our nation.”

“We welcome Sen. Harris to the race, look forward to her leadership, and are eager to cast a vote for the first woman Vice President and her running mate, Joe Biden, in November.”

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