UltraViolet Responds to House’s Failure to Elect “Rape Apologist” Rep. Jim Jordan as Speaker

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, October 17, 2023

CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet Responds to House’s Failure to Elect “Rape Apologist” Rep. Jim Jordan as Speaker 

WASHINGTON, DC — Moments ago, the House of Representatives voted against electing Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) as Speaker of the House.

In response to the vote, Nicole Regalado, Vice President of Campaigns at UltraViolet, a national gender justice group with a history of advocating against Jim Jordan, issued the following statement:

“We are relieved that the House Republican caucus refused to make Jim Jordan,  an unrepentant insurrectionist and rape apologist, Speaker of the House of Representatives and third in line to lead our nation.

“Let’s be clear: Jim Jordan openly supported the January 6th insurrection of 2021; he is the leader of the effort to ban abortion nationwide; voted against legal protections for survivors of gender-based violence; and helped protect a predator who sexually abused young students during his time at Ohio State University.

“These factors alone should have disqualified Jordan as a contender for Speaker of the House.

“Today’s unsuccessful vote may provide a momentary relief, but it serves as a stark and unsettling reminder that Jordan still roams the halls of Congress.”

In 2018, members of UltraViolet PAC presented Rep. Jordan with the ‘Worst for Women’ award at his district office in Lima, Ohio. Jordan was included on the list for his role covering up and enabling sexual assault of young men during his time at Ohio State University, voting to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and voting to defund Planned Parenthood.

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