UltraViolet Slams CNN After Jeff Zucker’s Resignation, Calls for Third Party Investigation into Network’s Leadership & Workplace Policies

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, February 2, 2022
CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet Slams CNN After Jeff Zucker’s Resignation, Calls for Third Party Investigation into Network’s Leadership & Workplace Policies

Earlier today, Jeff Zucker resigned as the president and CEO of CNN after failing to disclose a romantic relationship with a top network executive. Zucker intentionally withheld the information during an investigation into former anchor Chris Cuomo’s role advising his brother, former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who was found to have engaged in more than a dozen sexual harassment incidences.

In response, Elisa Batista, campaign director of UltraViolet, a national gender justice advocacy organization, issued the following statement:

“Make no mistake, Jeff Zucker’s resignation is a last resort dedicated to insulating both himself and CNN from legal repercussions.

“Zucker stood by Chris Cuomo for months, even after reports that Cuomo was advising his brother on how to respond to fifteen separate sexual harassment and misconduct allegations.

“Chris Cuomo leveraged his position at CNN as an anchor to manipulate sources and seek information about his brother’s accusers. Zucker helped protect him after doing it. This a severe breach of journalistic and workplace ethics.

“It’s time for CNN to clean house. The network must conduct an independent and transparent third party investigation into its leadership and workplace policies. CNN workers deserve an equitable and transparent workplace, and the public deserves to know what powerful men like Zucker keep behind closed doors.”

Last May, UltraViolet also called for CNN to conduct a third party investigation to explore claims that Chris Cuomo helped advise Andrew Cuomo over sexual harassment and misconduct allegations. When reports that Chris Cuomo used his position at CNN to gather information about his brother’s accusers, UltraViolet called for the network to fire him immediately. CNN fired Chris Cuomo in December 2021.
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