UltraViolet Slams Dr. Luke’s Demand for Kesha’s Private Medical Records

For Immediate Release: Thursday, May 12, 2016

Contact: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com | (914) 523-9145

UltraViolet Slams Dr. Luke’s Demand for Kesha’s Private Medical Records

Says Release of Private Medical Records Would Dangerously Undermine Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Statement from Karin Roland, Chief Campaigns Officer at UltraViolet:

“Dr Luke’s demand to see Kesha’s medical records is more than just invasive, it’s a manipulative legal ploy to undermine Kesha’s case and force a survivor of sexual assault to work with and for her abuser.  

Survivors of rape are already victimized, and having the Courts hand their most private medical records over to their abusers only perpetuates this trauma.

“Forcing the release of Kesha’s private medical records would also set a dangerous legal precedent for survivors of sexual assault, one that erodes doctor-patient confidentiality and further reinforces mistrust towards survivors of sexual abuse.

The request for Kesha’s records is disgusting. It’s long past time Sony Music step in and end Dr. Luke’s continued attacks on Kesha by dropping his label and freeing Kesha, once and for all.”

For more information: http://pagesix.com/2016/05/12/dr-luke-demanding-to-see-keshas-medical-records/

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