** UPDATE ** TMRW 11AM: Women’s Group, WI Residents Deliver 86k Postcards to Speaker Ryan’s Janesville Office

** UPDATED EVENT INFORMATION:  UltraViolet will now be delivering the truck full of more than 86,0000 postcards to Speaker Paul Ryan’s Janesville office at 20 South Main Street at 11:00am CT on Wednesday along with a cake and a singing telegram. The media advisory below has been updated to include this new information.

UltraViolet originally planned to deliver the petitions to Speaker Ryan’s Janesville home, but after initial discussions with the Speaker’s office decided to move the delivery event to the Janesville office – where representatives from Ryan’s office said they would hear UltraViolet’s concerns.  Since those initial discussions, Ryan’s office has not responded to UltraViolet.

Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet explained: “Despite UltraViolet’s willingness to work with Speaker Ryan to coordinate a time for him, or a member of his staff, to meet with his constituents and hear their concerns, Speaker Ryan’s office has since gone silent.  They have ignored us, just like they have ignored his constituents.”




MEDIA ADVISORY FOR: Wednesday, February 22, 2017
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | 516-841-1105 | brett@unbendablemedia.com



WED 11AM:  Truck Delivers 86,000 Postcards to Speaker Ryan’s Janesville Office – After Weeks of Americans Saying They Were Unable to Reach the Speaker’s Office

Event to Feature Truck Carrying Postcards, Cupcakes and Singing Telegram

UltraViolet’s Postcard Delivery Part of Massive Nationwide #ResistanceRecess Mobilization

JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN — On Wednesday, February 22nd, Wisconsin residents, joined by members of UltraViolet, a national women’s advocacy organization, will deliver more than 86,000 postcards to Speaker Paul Ryan’s Janesville office.  The action comes as many of Ryan’s constituents, and voters across the country, say they were unable to reach the Speaker’s congressional office call line to submit comments about their concerns with Congress’ failure to hold the Trump Administration accountable and plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

WHEN:  Wednesday, February 22nd. 11:00 am CT
WHERE: Speaker Ryan’s Janesville Office. 20 South Main Street, Suite 10. Janesville, WI.

The action will feature 86,000 postcards with custom messages from people around the country, a cake with a message for Speaker Ryan, and a singing telegram. The singing telegram will sing “Wait a minute, Mr. Speaker” to the tune of “Wait a minute, Mr. Postman.”  UltraViolet has hired a truck, carrying a giant glittery postcard reading: “Special Delivery: To the Speaker of the House.  From: Concerned Americans” to deliver the more than 86,000 messages to Speaker Ryan.

After the action, the truck will drive around Janesville highlighting the difficulties that constituents have had in reading Speaker Ryan’s congressional offices.

VIEW THE SIGN HERE: https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.weareultraviolet.com/images/paulryan-postcard.pdf

“Whether House Speaker Paul Ryan has intentionally cut off his phone line from the public or has failed to  accommodate a high volume of calls, it is unacceptable to shut off the American people from having their voices heard,” explained Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet. “Millions of Americans are scared and stand to lose so much—whether it’s families living in fear of deportation, parents worried about providing their children affordable health insurance, or women uncertain if their access to safe, legal abortion services will be in jeopardy. That’s why, we’re leaving messages for Paul Ryan the old-fashioned way, with thousands of postcards delivered right to his home town.  Speaker Ryan’s office may not be taking our calls, but our voices will be heard.”

In addition to the action at Speaker Ryan’s Janesville office, UltraViolet Action members will be out in force at Congressional town hall events across the country as part of the #ResistanceRecess.

For more information, or to speak with a representative from UltraViolet, please contact Brett Abrams at 516-841-1105 or by email atbrett@unbendablemedia.com.


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 UltraViolet  is an online community of over 1,000,000 women and men who want to take collective action to expose and fight sexism in the public sector, private sector and the media. Find out more at WeAreUltraViolet.org

