We Demand More Coalition Calls House Passage of Build Back Better Act Historic Investment in America’s Future

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, November 19, 2021

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com

We Demand More Coalition Calls House Passage of Build Back Better Act Historic Investment in America’s Future

WASHINGTON, DC — Moments ago, the House of Representatives passed President Biden’s Build Back Better Act, a major step for Congress toward implementing the bill into law.

In response, Sonja Spoo and Angela Cobián, co-directors of the We Demand More coalition, a collection of organizations fighting for women, in particular Black, Indigenous, Latina and other women of color, issued the following statement:

“Today’s House of Representatives vote on the Build Back Better Act brings us one step closer to historic investments in our country that will benefit all our families.

“In particular, the Build Back Better Act’s investments in care work, paid leave, and health care will help millions of women, especially Black women and women of color who do the majority of our nation’s paid and unpaid work. Support for the care economy – from federal paid family and medical leave to affordable childcare – will ensure that people can work and take care of themselves or loved ones without sacrificing their means to survive.

“Voters across the country and the political mainstream support the long overdue investments in women and our care economy that form the backbone of the Build Back Better package. We demanded comprehensive paid leave, investments in childcare, an expanded child tax credit and funding for making health care more affordable – and Democrats in the House are delivering.

“Each and every program and investment for women, caregivers, and families in this bill is essential and builds on top of each other to provide the support our families need to thrive. Investments in care, health care, and paid leave will yield millions of jobs, billions in wages, and trillions in GDP, and are some of the most widely supported policies in the country.

This bill delivers on President Biden’s vision and the Senate must act swiftly to deliver the same robust, inclusive, and transformational legislation without any cuts or compromises. Our caregivers and families deserve nothing less.

We celebrate this victory for working families and we look forward to working with the President and with our leaders in the Senate to pass the bill and get the overdue relief it provides to our communities.”

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