Women’s Group Demands Rep. Jason Lewis (MN-02) Resign After New Audio Reveals More Offensive Comments About Women

For Immediate Release: October 19, 2019

Contact: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group Demands Rep. Jason Lewis (MN-02) Resign After New Audio Reveals More Offensive Comments About Women

Earlier today, CNN released audio featuring Republican Congressman Jason Lewis (MN-02), in which Lewis mocks women traumatized by sexual assault. Lewis states, “… are we beyond those days where a woman can behave as a slut, but you can’t call her a slut?”

CNN also released an audiofile featuring Lewis making derogatory comments about female voters in the United States along with women’s rights activist Sandra Fluke earlier this year. In the recording, Lewis bemoans the inability to call women “sluts” in public, says women voters are “without a brain”and asks the question, “…is birth control really that important to you ladies? Is that really the most important thing that you get your condoms for free?”

In response, Karin Roland, chief campaigns officer at UltraViolet Action, released the following statement:

Jason Lewis should resign. Immediately.  His views and comments about sexual assault survivors and women, including women voters in his own district, are simply vile. This toxic misogyny and perpetuation of rape culture sums up all voters need to know about today’s Republican Party and what they think of women.”

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UltraViolet Action  is an online community of over 1,000,000 women and men who want to take collective action to expose and fight sexism in the public sector, private sector and the media. Find out more at weareultraviolet.org.


