Women’s Group: Media Ignores Rape Charge Against Trump While Widely Posting About His Latest Disgusting Instagram Video

** UltraViolet Action **

For Immediate Release: Monday, May 23, 2016

Contact: Brett Abrams | 516-841-1105 | brett@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group:  Media Ignores Rape Charge Against Trump While Widely Posting About His Latest Disgusting Instagram Video

Trump Never Asked About Charges Of Rape, His Lawyer’s Comment That Men Can’t Rape Their Wives Or Charges Of Sexual Assault In NYT Story
Karin Roland, Chief Campaigns Officer at UltraViolet Action, a national women’s advocacy issued the following statement slamming the media’s hypocrisy for covering Trump’s latest Instagram ad, while failing to question Donald Trump about accusations of rape and sexual assault against him:
“Donald Trump has a pattern of abusing and sexually assaulting women – whether they are his employees, pageant winners or even his wife.  It is shameful that the media continues to fail the general public by not questioning Trump directly on the allegations against him. He is on TV every day, yet never gets asked about this.
“The complete failure of the media, and its hypocrisy, could not be on greater display today as reporters re-tweet and report on Trump’s latest disgusting Instagram video.
“Voters across the country spend their time watching, observing and digesting the media’s messages every day. The media’s apparent inability to focus on the real issue at hand is appalling, flat out unacceptable and only perpetuates a culture of violence against women.

“The media needs to stop giving Donald Trump a free-pass and hold Trump accountable for his dangerous pattern of sexual attacks against women.”

Today’s news also follows a new study by Media Matters for America, in collaboration with UltraViolet Action, that found that cable and network morning, daytime, and evening news, as well as the Sunday morning political talk shows, almost entirely ignored or dismissed reports of rampant misogyny and allegations of sexual assault against presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the week following an in-depth front-page story by the New York Times.
Although the New York Times story featured multiple accounts of sexual assault, including unwanted kisses on young women by Trump, networks fixated on a single incident–that of Rowanne Brewer Lane, who then claimed the Times“spun” her account. Instead, most television coverage of the story ignored or dismissed significant misogynistic and potentially criminal behavior by Trump.
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