Women’s Group on Gov. Haslam Granting Clemency to Cyntoia Brown

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Monday, January 07, 2019
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com
Women’s Group on Gov. Haslam Granting Clemency to Cyntoia Brown
UltraViolet Says “Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence, Especially a Child like Cyntoia, Should Never Be Punished for Defending Their Lives and Surviving Abuse”
TENNESSEE — Earlier today, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam commuted the sentence of Cyntoia Brown, a sex trafficking survivor who was sentenced to life in prison at sixteen, after she shot and defended herself from a 43 year-old man who threatened and solicited her for sex. Cyntoia has been in prison for over 20 years.
In reaction to the news, Shaunna Thomas, co-founder of UltraViolet, a leading national women’s group who had joined with countless other activists in urging Governor Haslam to grant Brown clemency, issued the following statement:
“Survivors of sexual and domestic violence, especially a child like Cyntoia had been, should never be punished for defending their lives and surviving abuse. That’s why Governor Haslam’s announcement today that he will grant full clemency to Cyntoia Brown is welcome news.
“This is one step towards correcting the consequences of a racist justice system that far too often criminalizes Black women who need protection There are far too many women like Cyntoia still in prison, but today we applaud the countless groups and individuals, including Black Lives Matter Nashville, Color of Change, Survived & Punished, Tarana Burke, and Rihanna, who put Brown’s case in the national spotlight and tirelessly campaigned for her freedom. We look forward to Brown’s release.”
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