Women’s Group Reacts to New Allegations of Sexual Abuse Against Trump

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, February 25, 2019

CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com | (914) 523-9145

Women’s Group Reacts to New Allegations of Sexual Abuse Against Trump

Former Trump Campaign Staffer, Alva Johnson, Alleges Trump Kissed Her Without Consent

WASHINGTON, DC — This morning, The Washington Post published a report on a new lawsuit by Alva Johnson, a staffer on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, who claims that Trump kissed her without her consent at a Florida rally.  While more than twenty other women have publicly accused Trump of sexual abuse, Johnson’s accusation is the first against President Trump since he took office and so far the only one to allege sexual abuse during the 2016 presidential campaign.

In reaction to the news, Emma Boorboor, Deputy Organizing Director Thomas, at UltraViolet, a leading national women’s organization, issued the following statement:

“We believe Alva Johnson, just like we believe Natasha Stoynoff, Rachel Crooks, Cathy Heller, Kristin Anderson, Summer Zervos, Mindy McGillivray, Jill Harth, Jessica Leeds, Temple Taggart McDowell, Karena Virginia, Jennifer Murphy, Ninni Laaksonen, Ivana Trump, Lisa Boyne, Mariah Billado, Tasha Dixon, Bridget Sullivan, Juliet Huddy, Cassandra Searles, Samantha Holvey, Victoria Hughes, and Jessica Drake.  

“We cannot and must not become numb to the fact that the President of the United States has systematically and repeatedly assaulted women at every point in his career.

“Johnson has shown tremendous courage in coming forward to reveal that Donald Trump touched her against her will, and now joins more than twenty other women who have had the courage to share their stories of sexual abuse by Donald Trump with the American people.

“Johnson’s story should serve as a reminder to all Americans that Donald Trump is a self-confessed sexual predator – who will never stop abusing women.  We cannot truly tackle the epidemic of sexual violence in this country until we hold Donald Trump and his enablers accountable. We urge Congress to investigate these latest accusations against Trump.”

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