Women’s Group Reiterates: Washington Football Team’s Dan Snyder Must Go Following Outcome of the NFL’s Investigations and Allegations the Team Offered Money to Cover Up Abuse

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group Reiterates: Washington Football Team’s Dan Snyder Must Go Following Outcome of the NFL’s Investigations and Allegations the Team Offered Money to Cover Up Abuse

Statement from Elisa Batista, campaign director at UltraViolet, a leading national women’s organization, on reports that the Washington Football Team offered money for former employees to remain silent about abuse, and harassment, and the NFL’s announcement that it had completed an internal investigation into workplace issues on the team:

“It’s been over a year since The Washington Post broke a news story about widespread sexual harassment and toxic work environment experienced by cheerleaders working with the NFL’s Washington football team under the leadership of Daniel Snyder. Now, the team claims it’s conducted an internal investigation and cleaned up its act.

“What a joke.

“We say now what we said back when news broke in August 2020: Snyder must go.

“At this point, the fact that the NFL continues to allow Snyder to be an owner tells you everything you need to know about how seriously it takes workplace safety and toxic cultures. As long as Snyder remains a member in good standing in the NFL community, every statement the Washington team or NFL makes or actions they take on the issue of misogyny and workplace safety is a joke.”

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