Women’s Group Sends Letter to the FEC Demanding Investigation Into the Trump Campaign’s Use of Funds to Defend Against Summer Zervos’ Defamation Suit
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, February 21, 2019
CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com
Women’s Group Sends Letter to the FEC Demanding Investigation Into the Trump Campaign’s Use of Funds to Defend Against Summer Zervos’ Defamation Suit
Trump Campaign Paid $323,000 to Kasowitz Benson and Torres in November 2018
WASHINGTON, DC — Today, UltraViolet, a leading national women’s advocacy organization, sent a letter today to the Federal Elections Commission demanding that they investigate the Trump Campaign’s payment of $323,000 to the law firm Kasowitz, Benson and Torres. Marc Kasowitz, a partner at Kasowitz, Benson and Torres, is only known to have worked for Trump last fall in defending him against Summer Zervos’ defamation suit.
In a letter sent to the FEC, Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet argues that “there is a strong possibility that Respondents have violated federal law by using campaign funds to defray legal expenses that Mr. Trump personally incurred as the defendant in a defamation lawsuit,” and “respectfully requests that the Commission promptly investigate these violations of the Act and Commission regulations, and that Respondents be enjoined from further violations and fined the maximum amount permitted by law.”
“More than 20 women have accused Donald Trump of sexual assault and harassment. Just as he has tried to do with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal – Trump has tried to threaten and silence these women – but his attempts to silence Summer Zervos and her defamation case against him appear to have been funded with campaign dollars – in violation of FEC rules. Trump’s abuse of women, and illegal attempts to cover-up the accusations against him are unacceptable” explained Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet. “The Federal Election Commission should investigate these violations. We won’t stop holding Trump accountable for his abuse of women and make sure he is held accountable through every means available.”
A spokesperson for the Trump Campaign has denied that the payment was for work on the Zervos case – raising the question about what the payment was for.
Additionally, Thomas’ complaint note that “Any attempt by Mr. Trump to argue that payments related to the Zervos suit are campaign-related would contradict the stance Mr. Trump has taken with respect to the hush money payments made to two women claiming to have had affairs with him. Mr. Trump’s personal attorney, Rudolph Giuliani, has argued that these payments did not violate campaign finance law because they were personal, rather than campaign related.”
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