Women’s Group Slams Ivanka Trump, Administration for Stay of Obama-Era Equal Pay Data Collection Rule

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, August 30, 2017
CONTACT: Yasmina Dardari | 407-922-8149 | yasmina@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group Slams Ivanka Trump, Administration for Stay of Obama-Era Equal Pay Data Collection Rule

‘We Wonder How Much Moral Integrity Ivanka Trump Has Left’

Yesterday, the White House announced a “review and immediate stay” of an Obama-era rule that would have required businesses to collect data on how much they pay their workers based on race, gender, and ethnicity. Companies would have been required to report this pay data to the Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) beginning 2018. In a statement, Ivanka Trump, who regularly claims to advocate for policies that advance equal pay for women, said that she supports her father’s policy change.

In reaction to the news, Nita Chaudhary, Co-founder of UltraViolet issued the following statement:

“The Trump administration’s announcement that it has stayed the equal pay data collection rule makes it abundantly clear that white supremacy and sexism are  alive and well in the White House. Equal pay for women and people of color  should be a non-controversial issue, and yet the Trump administration is dead-set on taking away our basic protections. Women lose over $400,000 throughout their lifetime because of the gender pay gap, and that number is more than double for women of color.

“The Trump administration’s announcement is a setback for equality and will worsen this country’s pay gap. The very purpose of pay data collection is to ensure against wage discrimination targeting women and people of color. This administration is either too incompetent to understand this or is deliberately trying to sabotage women and people of color’s right to equal pay for equal work. Let’s call this  policy change for what it is—a thinly-veiled attempt to give corporations license to discriminate against their employees.

“We wonder how much moral integrity Ivanka Trump has left. By backing her father’s policy change, she has revealed the emptiness of her claim as a champion for working women. From exploiting poor women who make her brand’s products abroad in sweatshop conditions, to uplifting her father’s anti-woman policies, Ivanka has shown her true colors as a farcical ‘ally’ for working women.”

For more information, or for interview wth an UltraViolet spokesperson, please contact Yasmina Dardari at 407-922-8149 or by email at yasmina@unbendablemedia.com.

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UltraViolet is an online community of over 1,000,000 people who want to take collective action to expose and fight sexism in the public sector, private sector and the media. Find out more at WeAreUltraViolet.org

