Women’s Group Slams POLITICO For Giving a Platform to White Supremacist, Misogynist Ben Shapiro, Demands Ryan Lizza’s Resignation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, January 14, 2021
CONTACT: Anya Silverman-Stoloff | anya@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group Slams POLITICO For Giving a Platform to White Supremacist, Misogynist Ben Shapiro, Demands Ryan Lizza’s Resignation

UltraViolet Disappointed That POLITICO Allowed Shapiro to Spread Racist and Sexist Propaganda, Falsely Equate Left-Wing Protests with Right-Wing Violence

Statement from Bridget Todd, Communications Director at UltraViolet, a leading national women’s group, on POLITICO’s decision to provide Ben Shapiro with a platform to lie, spread racist and sexist propaganda:

“It is deeply disappointing that POLITICO provided Ben Shapiro with a megaphone to lie and spread racist and sexist propaganda.

“Make no mistake – this isn’t about reasoned debate. There are plenty of Republicans or right-of-center figures that POLITICO could have turned to, but Ben Shaprio is not one of them. Ben Shapiro is a sad little man, who traffics in lies and disinformation to stoke white, male anger and resentment in order to foment violence, intimidate his political opponents and stifle real debate on the issues.

“Making matters worse, POLITICO not only gave Shapiro a platform, they allowed him to use that platform to openly distort reality – equating Bernie Sanders’ calls for universal health care with Donald Trump’s open provocation of a violent attack on the US Capitol. The fact that POLITICO’s editors allowed this to run, and defended their decision to platform Shapiro by equating Ben Shapiro with Chris Hayes demonstrates a complete failure of leadership and unwillingness to learn from how the media has enabled the alt-right coalition to spread its propaganda on its channels and directly provoke an attempted violent coup that led to murders on the ground.

“Ryan Lizza and the other POLITICO editors responsible for this gross lapse in judgment should lose their jobs.”

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