Women’s Group: Stephen Moore’s Unbridled Misogyny More Than Disqualifies Him From Serving on the Federal Reserve Board

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, April 22, 2019

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | brett@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group: Stephen Moore’s Unbridled Misogyny More Than Disqualifies Him From Serving on the Federal Reserve Board

WASHINGTON, DC — Earlier today, CNN reported that Stephen Moore, an economic commentator and former Trump campaign advisor, tapped by President Trump to serve on the Federal Reserve board, published a number of misogynistic ramblings about women in sports and complaints about equal pay for equal work.

In reaction to the reports, Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet, a leading national women’s organization, issued the following statements:

“The Senate can now add toxic sexism to the list of reasons to reject Stephen Moore’s nomination to the Federal Reserve.

“Moore’s comments about women aren’t funny – they’re dangerous. What Moore really wants is to go back to a time when women were treated as second-class citizens: shunned from public life and subservient to men. That’s unacceptable, and we will never let that happen.

“With more and more women in the workforce, and women serving as the primary breadwinner in nearly half of America’s households – we need people on the Federal Reserve board who understand how our economy works and won’t make decisions guided by toxic misogyny. That’s why Moore should be a non-starter for the Federal Reserve board.”

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