Women’s Group: ‘Women Ran. Women Voted. Women Won. Women Changed The Direction Of The Country And Democratic Party’

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, November 7, 2018
CONTACT: Yasmina Dardari | yasmina@unbendablemedia.com

Women’s Group: ‘Women Ran. Women Voted. Women Won. Women Changed The Direction Of The Country And Democratic Party’

UltraViolet PAC: This Election Is An Earthquake And The Power Women Showed Must Fundamentally Change How Democrats Run, Win, and Govern

Statement from Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet PAC, a leading national women’s organization, on the results of the 2018 midterm election:

“Last night was a Democratic women’s wave. From coast to coast, women ran, women voted and women won in historic numbers. Not only did women flip the House of Representatives, it was an election of historic firsts—putting more than 100 women in Congress for the first time ever.

“Yesterday, women—particularly women of color, native women and queer people—fundamentally changed the direction of this country and how Democrats run and win. Now, we look to women to change how Democrats govern.

“Take notice: Women will use their transformative political power to demand an end to this country’s unprecedented wave of politicians and policies that are openly hostile to women. Anti-women politicians will be voted out. And while the fight against deeply-entrenched racism, xenophobia, misogyny and economic injustice cannot be won in a single election, we’re on the right path, and women are leading the way.

“Women will no longer take a back seat to anyone. We expect Democrats to promote and advance policies that will lift up all women and create a more equitable society. As long as poor women, immigrant women, trans women, incarcerated women, women of color, queer women, and disabled women’s lives are at risk, the fight is far from over. But yesterday was a big step in the right direction.”

As part of its 2018 election program, UltraViolet PAC:

  • In conjunction with American Bridge PAC, named the 16 worst members of Congress for women:
  • Unveiled the Feminist Future Agenda, a twelve point platform outlining an intersectional vision of key battles post-midterm elections that impact the lives of women.
    • The Feminist Future Agenda was created with the input of thousands of UltraViolet members across the country, and represents what UltraViolet members are prepared to fight for in 2019 and beyond.
  • Endorsed 10 women candidates running in state and local races across the country.  
    • The most diverse slate of candidates ever endorsed by UltraViolet PAC included Brianna Titone, running for State Representative in Colorado’s 27th District; Ruth Buffalo, running for State Representative in North Dakota’s 27th District; Mina Davis, running for State Senator in Nebraska’s 8th District; Sam Edwards, running for State Representative in South Carolina’s 85th District; Monica Duran, running for State Representative in Colorado’s 24th District; Raumesh Akbari, running for State Senator in Tennessee’s 29th District; Laura Fortman, running for State Senator in Maine’s 13th District; Samantha Carrillo Fields, running for State Representative in Texas’ 84th District; Ana-Maria Ramos, running for State Representative in Texas’ 102 District; and Red Dawn Foster, running for State Senator in South Dakota’s 27th District.
    • UltraViolet PAC ran online ads in support of these candidates.
    • Of the ten state and local candidates endorsed by UltraViolet PAC, Ruth Buffalo, Red Dawn Foster, Ana-Maria Ramos, and Raumesh Akbari won their races. Two additional candidates – Brianna Titone and Laura Fortman -are still in races too close to call.

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UltraViolet PAC is a community of over one million people spanning every state and congressional district who fight to end sexism and expand equality at the ballot box and beyond. 

