Civil Society Organizations Demand Big Tech Strengthen AI Policies to Fight Sexist and Misogynistic AI-Based Disinformation and Abuse


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, October 4, 2024

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | 

Civil Society Organizations Demand Big Tech Strengthen AI Policies to Fight Sexist and Misogynistic AI-Based Disinformation and Abuse

Warn that Women, Girls, and LGBTQ+ Individuals Are Disproportionately Harmed by AI-Generated Content Online

Today, more than twenty-five major civil society organizations released an open letter to the CEOs of six social media companies – Meta, X, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, and Reddit — urging them to strengthen their AI policies to fight sexist and misogynistic AI-based disinformation and abuse. 

The letter warns that women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people are uniquely at risk of experiencing adverse impacts of AI-based content on social media, particularly under the weak policies on AI-generated content that the six platforms currently have. To fill that gap, the letter goes on to outline twelve specific steps that these companies should take towards adopting more transparent, clear, and robust AI policies that explicitly consider risks to all people with marginalized gender identities.


The letter points to comprehensive research demonstrating the specific harms that AI-based systems, manipulated content, disinformation, scams, and algorithms have on women, girls and LGBTQ+ people, including: 

  • How they are most likely to be targets of sexual AI-based manipulation, which is a form of sexual abuse. Specifically, at least 90% of victims of AI-facilitated image-based sexual abuse (IBSA) are women;
  • How women public figures such as celebrities and journalists are more likely to be targets of sexist and political disinformation than their male counterparts, which is increasingly being spread via AI-based content and search algorithms;
  • How most researched AI systems hold a gender bias against women and girls and revert to sexist stereotypes;
  • How older women are most likely to be targets of AI-powered scams and crimes;
  • How women with intersecting marginalized gender identities are most likely to be targeted by disinformation, which is increasingly being spread via AI-based content and search algorithms.

The letter was organized by UltraViolet, the nation’s largest online feminist organization, and addressed to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, X CEO Linda Yaccarino, YouTube CEO Neal Mohan, TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew, Snap CEO Evan Spiegel,  and Reddit CEO Steve Huffman. The letter was signed by more than 25 civil society organizations, including Accountable Tech; Center for Intimacy Justice; Chayn; Civic Shout; Digital Defense Fund; Ekō; EndTAB; GLAAD; Glitch; Global Hope 365; Higher Heights for America; Institute for Strategic Dialogue; Joyful Heart Foundation; Kairos Fellowship; MPower Change; My Image My Choice; MyOwn Image; National Organization for Women; National Women’s Law Center; Progress Florida; ProgressNow New Mexico; Religious Community for Reproductive Choice; Reproaction; Rights4Girls; Sexual Violence Prevention Association (SVPA), and Women’s March.

The twelve recommendations include guidance on classifying AI-based content under existing policies, creating more comprehensive disclosure and labeling for AI content, increasing users’ ability to flag and report harmful content, expanding resource platforms for people targeted by explicit non-consensual sexual deep fakes, and providing comprehensive annual audits of AI-content. 

“Women, girls, and queer people have always had to suffer from sexually explicit harassment, non-consensual exploitation, and targeted disinformation and abuse; but AI-based technology has radically changed and supercharged these harms into a national epidemic,” explained Jenna Sherman, Campaign Director at UltraViolet. “These harms silence us online, violate our right to control our own image, and distort our elections – but worse, they normalize and even algorithmically codify sexual exploitation and reinforce harmful stereotypes about gender, sexuality, and consent. There are solutions – and Big Tech platforms can and must do better to protect women, girls and LGBTQ+ people online. We deserve safety in these spaces, and right now, our safety is not being taken seriously.”

“Nonconsensual distribution of intimate imagery can affect everyone from Taylor Swift to middle-school-aged girls. It has affected me,” shares Nina Jankowicz, Co-Founder of the American Sunlight Project and Former Executive Director of the Disinformation Governance Board of the United States. “While we wait for our legislators to pass common sense, bipartisan legislation to protect women’s rights, safety, and privacy online, it’s imperative that social media platforms introduce changes that ensure women and other marginalized communities have the same freedom and rights as our male counterparts.”

“AI technologies have further facilitated the creation and spread of gender-based harassment and abuse online, including the proliferation of non-consensual intimate image deepfakes,” said Ellen Jacobs, Senior US Digital Policy Manager at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue. “We need effective policies that specifically address the heightened risks to women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people. Without them, we will continue to see an increase in sophisticated AI-generated content that jeopardizes the safety of online platforms.”

“We know that women, girls, and LGBTQ people already face disproportionate levels of abuse across social media,” said Leanna Garfield, Social Media Safety Program Manager at GLAAD. “What’s more, the world’s largest platforms have shown they are not equipped to handle the rise of AI-facilitated hate, harassment, and disinformation campaigns, including deepfakes and bots that can spew hate-based imagery at massive scale. Meta, X, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, and Reddit need to take concrete action now, so that everyone can feel safe online.”

“Lack of accountability by Big Tech is causing big harm to women and girls.  Women are the first to be exploited, attacked, and abused online in the most invasive ways possible—and with AI, what’s possible changes every day.  Fighting sexism and misogyny must be integral to social media’s business model—their customers demand it.”  Christian F. Nunes, President, National Organization for Women 

MyOwn Image urges social media platforms to adopt transparent AI policies that confront the disproportionate harm of AI-generated abuse on women, particularly women of color and LGBTQ+ individuals. This abuse erodes trust, perpetuates gendered violence, and threatens our democratic and social fabric.”

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UltraViolet Reacts to Report that Trump’s White House Constrained FBI Probe Into Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, October 8, 2024

CONTACT: Brett Abrams |

UltraViolet Reacts to Report that Trump’s White House Constrained FBI Probe Into Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh

Calls for the Department of Justice to Open Thorough Investigation Allegations Against Kavanaugh, Obstruction of Justice

Statement from Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director of UltraViolet, the nation’s largest online feminist organization, on reports that the Trump White House constrained the FBI’s probe into sexual assault claims against Brett Kavanaugh: 

“This new report confirms with hard evidence what survivors knew all along: the Trump White House suppressed evidence and constrained an FBI allegation into sexual assault claims against Brett Kavanaugh when he was a Supreme Court nominee. 

“The Trump Administration’s intentional deception – as well as their enablers in the FBI and the Republican-led Senate – betrayed our country and the brave survivors like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez. As a result, they paved the way for Kavanaugh to join the Supreme Court and repeal Roe v. Wade. These reports are a disturbing reminder of the lawlessness of the Trump Administration, and its unrelenting commitment to stacking the Supreme Court and taking away our rights and freedoms.

“The allegations against Brett Kavanaugh – like claims of sexual misconduct and abuse – must be taken seriously. The failure to do so undermines trust in our political institutions and perpetuates a cycle of harm against survivors of sexual assault. We join the National Women’s Law Center in urging the Department of Justice to open an immediate investigation into the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. The American people deserve to know who serves on their Supreme Court.” 

UltraViolet was one of the leading voices opposing the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. You can read more about UltraViolet’s work here:

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UltraViolet on Reports that Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Has Been Arrested In Connection to Sexual Abuse and Sex Trafficking Allegations Against Him



CONTACT: Brett Abrams | 

UltraViolet on Reports that Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Has Been Arrested In Connection to Sexual Abuse and Sex Trafficking Allegations Against Him

Says Music Industry Must Do More to Dismantle Rape Culture 

This morning, it was reported that Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs was arrested as part of an investigation into sexual assault and sex trafficking claims made in multiple civil lawsuits over the last several months.

In reaction to the announcement, Shaunna Thomas, co-founder and executive director at UltraViolet, a leading national gender justice organization, which had urged the Grammys and the Recording Academy to sever ties with Combs following the multiple accusations against him, issued the following statement: 

“It took the courage of survivors, and specifically Cassie, to hold Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs accountable and remind us all that rape culture remains alive and well within the music industry.

“Because of Cassie, and the multiple other courageous women who came forward to tell their stories, we all now know the real Sean Combs. His brand deals have collapsed, fellow artists have distanced themselves from him and called for accountability, and even though he was nominated for a Grammy Award this year, he didn’t show up because he knew he would not be welcome there. 

“While justice for the women that Combs abused will be defined by them and them alone – UltraViolet will continue its conversations with the Recording Academy to take the necessary steps to promote the creation of safe workplaces across the music industry.

“By holding abusers within the industry accountable, enforcing the law where it applies, and taking the important steps to protect workers and artists – the industry can model the structural changes all cultural institutions  need to make to dismantle rape culture once and for all.”

More than 15,000 people signed a petition organized by UltraViolet calling on the Recording Academy to rescind Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ invitation to the 66th annual Grammy Awards, ban him from future Grammy Award shows, and revoke his membership in the Recording Academy.

You can view the petition here: 

UltraViolet has a long-running connection addressing sexual violence in the music industry. 

  • In 2014, pop singer Kesha came forward to accuse music producer Dr. Luke of sexual assault. After the allegations were made public, UltraViolet hosted petitions, organized protests, and publicly advocated for Sony Music to “Free Kesha” from her relationship with her alleged abuser. 
  • In 2018, following Spotify’s decision to remove R. Kelly and other infamous abusers from its official playlists, UltraViolet penned an open letter to Spotify CEO Daniel Ek applauding the company’s decision, but urging Ek to look deeper at other artists with a history of sexual and physical abuse that continued to profit from Spotify’s promotion. 
  • One year later, tens of thousands of people signed UltraViolet’s petition, echoing calls of the #MuteRKelly campaign, urging RCA Records to drop Kelly.  UltraViolet also commissioned a plane banner to fly over Sony Music’s HQs in Los Angeles, demanding RCA Records to sever ties with R Kelly and took part in the “#MuteRKelly Rally to Protect Black Girls” at Sony Music HQ’s in New York City.

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UltraViolet Joins Mozilla, Other Allies to Demand Privacy Answers from Bumble


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, August 9, 2024

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | 

UltraViolet Joins Mozilla, Other Allies to Demand Privacy Answers from Bumble

Several civil society organizations are calling on the dating app to clarify its data collection practices and take privacy seriously

Yesterday, UltraViolet, the nation’s largest online community of feminists, joined Mozilla and several other privacy, public interest organizations to call on Bumble to come clean as to whether they sell customer data — and to better protect customers’ privacy. Communities seeking reproductive health care, survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV), and members of the LGBTQ+ community, are particularly vulnerable to devastating consequences to their livelihoods if such sensitive data is leaked.


Bumble is the second most popular dating app in the United States with about 50 million users, and is often lauded for its gender justice advocacy work. But privacy is a fundamental part of gender justice — and recent *Privacy Not Included research by Mozilla revealed several troubling questions about Bumble’s privacy practices and the industry at large. And just last week, Belgian university researchers found that Bumble and Hinge allowed stalkers to identify user location with an accuracy of just 2 meters.

Mozilla researchers could not determine if and how Bumble sells consumer data to third parties. The research also revealed ambiguity about Bumble’s data deletion features for users. Researchers reached out to Bumble to clarify questions in the policy but received no answers.

In response to these concerns, Mozilla and 12 civil society organizations, including UltraViolet, are publicly calling on Bumble to:

  • Clarify in unambiguous terms whether or not Bumble sells customer data, and identify what data or personal information Bumble sells, and to which partners, noting if any would be considered data brokers.
  • If the answer is yes, Bumble should immediately stop selling customer data
  • Strengthen customers’ consent mechanism to opt in to the sharing of data, rather than opt out.

The organizations who have signed Mozilla’s letter are Access Now, Accountable Tech, Amnesty International, Civil Liberties Union for Europe, CyberLove, Defend Democracy, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Fight for the Future, Institute for Strategic Dialogue, Kairos Fellowship, UltraViolet, and US Public Interest Research Group.

Earlier this year, Mozilla also launched a petition urging Bumble not to sell or share users’ data without their permission. Over 7,500 people have signed the petition.

Jenna Sherman, Campaign Director, UltraViolet says, “At a time when the rights of women, trans people, and queer people are under heightened attack, Bumble’s lack of data sharing transparency is concerning and frankly unacceptable. If a company benefits from presenting as an advocate for gender justice, that advocacy must be actually baked into their policies for us to take them seriously.”

Says Reem Suleiman, Mozilla’s U.S. Advocacy Lead: “Bumble’s ambiguity around user privacy isn’t right — but it is common. Mozilla research has found that dating apps are notoriously bad at user privacy, and they’re only getting worse. As one of the largest dating apps in the U.S. — and one that has signaled a commitment to gender justice — Bumble has a responsibility to be transparent and fair about customer privacy. It also has an opportunity to set a precedent and push the industry in a better direction.”

Evan Greer (she/they), Director, at Fight for the Future “Bumble can’t have it both ways. It can’t be in solidarity with gender justice movements while selling people’s personal information like sexual preferences and location history. Not when this sensitive data can be used to criminalize people seeking abortions, threaten the lives of survivors of intimate partner violence, and out people in the LGBTQ+ community. Bumble needs to fix this. Full stop. The founder literally says “user safety on the app is paramount.” If that’s really true, then it needs to protect people’s privacy and stop selling their data. Bumble has a real opportunity here to change its practices to support its own stance on safety and human rights.”

Irna Landrum, Senior Campaigner, at Kairos “Dating apps make matches by collecting incredible amounts of personal information like location and sexual identity, but selling this data should never be part of the deal. It’s on Bumble to prove to users that the company is actually willing to put user’s privacy over the business of data extraction. Until then, Bumble cannot continue to brag about being a place where people find genuine relationships when they operate as yet another tech company mining our lives for their profit.”

Kaili Lambe, Policy and Advocacy Director at Accountable Tech “Companies like Bumble owe it to their customers to be upfront about how their personal data is used. If they are exploiting customer data for profit, they should also cease participation in the toxic business model of surveillance advertising. Everyone deserves to have control over their personal information and to make informed decisions about how it can be used.”

Michael De Dora, U.S. Policy and Advocacy Manager at Access Now, “Online dating should unlock love, not privacy violations. Dating apps gather extensive sensitive and intimate details about people, including sexual preferences and precise locations. However, Bumble, one of the leading dating apps in the U.S., has repeatedly failed to address concerns about its data collection and protection practices. We urge Bumble to fulfill its corporate responsibility to safeguard its users’ information by taking this matter seriously.”

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UltraViolet Action on Kamala Harris’ Selection of Gov. Tim Walz as Her Running Mate, the 2024 Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, August 6, 2024

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | 

UltraViolet Action on Kamala Harris’ Selection of Gov. Tim Walz as Her Running Mate, the 2024 Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate 

Statement from Shaunna Thomas, executive director of UltraViolet Action, the largest online feminist organization in the United States , on the selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as the 2024 Democratic candidate for Vice President, and Kamala Harris’ running mate. 

“In just a few short weeks, Vice President Kamala Harris has proven that she is ready to stand up for our reproductive rights, expand economic opportunity for our families, protect our democracy, and defeat Donald Trump this November. 

“Harris knows what is at stake in this election: the freedom to make decisions about our bodies, the freedom to live safely from gun violence, the freedom to vote without harassment or institutional barriers, the freedom to be who you are and marry who you want, and the freedom to live in a community and environment that is safe. Vice President Harris has dedicated her career to helping everyday Americans and understands the urgency of this fight. 

“With the selection of Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate, Harris has once again proved that she puts her country first and is ready to win. We welcome Gov. Walz to the race, and join him in supporting Kamala Harris as she seeks to become the first woman, as well as first Black and multiracial woman, President of the United States. 

“Gov. Walz has a proven record. He’s fought to protect abortion and IVF rights, expand LGBTQ+ protections, and implement policies that help all Americans succeed. Walz’ track record of creating tuition-free college for students from low-income homes and providing free breakfast and lunch for schoolchildren in Minnesota prove that he understands what the American people want and need. 

“If elected in November, the fact that Walz would be succeeded by proven leader Lt. Gov Peggy Flanagan – making her the first ever Native American Governor of the United States – is another reason to celebrate what is an already excellent pick. 

“UltraViolet Action members are fired up and committed to making sure Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz win in November.” 

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UltraViolet Action is a community of more than one million people that drives feminist cultural and political change. Through people power and strategic advocacy, we work to improve the lives of women and girls of all identities and backgrounds, and all people impacted by sexism, by dismantling discrimination and creating a cost for sexism.

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Progressive and Women’s Organizations Release Statement Endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President in 2024


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, July 22, 2024

CONTACT: Brett Abrams |

Progressive and Women’s Organizations Release Statement Endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President in 2024

“There is nobody more able to stand up for our freedoms than Vice President Kamala Harris from the freedom to make decisions about our own bodies, to the freedom to live safe from gun violence, the freedom to vote, the freedom to marry who you want, the freedom to care for our families affordably and have upward economic mobility, the freedom to live free from sexual violence, and the freedom to drink clean water and breathe clean air. Harris has dedicated her career to helping everyday Americans and she has proven time and again that she will stand up to powerful interests and fight for Americans’ right to make their own decisions.

“When the freedoms of women and people all over America are under attack, Vice President Kamala Harris is the leading voice in the Biden Administration to restore abortion rights the issue galvanizing voters in red states and blue. Harris understands fundamentally what the fight for reproductive freedom is about that people decide, not politicians and she’s campaigned in 20 states calling on women to vote to protect their rights from government interference.

“We have a clear choice this year. Donald Trump’s campaign is about ripping us apart and taking away
our freedoms. Kamala Harris will continue working for the American people, to bring Americans from all walks of life together for a better life. We are proud to stand with a candidate this qualified, this accomplished, and this ready for the moment. We are proud to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for President.”


Shaunna Thomas, UltraViolet Action
Adrienne Kimmel, Reproductive Freedom For All
Melissa Williams, EMILYs List Women Vote
Glynda C. Carr, Higher Heights for America PAC
Randi Weingarten, AFT
Adrianne Shropshire, BlackPAC
Melissa Morales, Somos PAC
Annie Weinberg, National Women’s Law Center Action Fund
Stephanie Taylor, Progressive Change Campaign Committee
April Verrett, SEIU
Jenn Stowe, Care in Action
Leah Greenberg, Indivisible Action
Rahna Epting, MoveOn
Lauren Groh-Wargo, Fair Fight
Tiffany Muller, End Citizens United / Let America Vote
Tory Gavito, Way to Win
Christina Harvey, Stand Up America
Jamie Carter, DemCast USA
Rachel O’Leary Carmona, Women’s March WIN
Maggie Jo Buchanan, Demand Justice PAC
Orlando Gonzales, HRC Equality Votes PAC
Nourbese Flint, All Action PAC
Rashad Robinson, Color of Change PAC
Nisha Anand, Rebuild The Dream

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UltraViolet and the Inclusion Playbook Release New “Women’s Sports Media Guide” Offering a Comprehensive Approach on How to Cover Women’s Athletics With Integrity and Respect


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, July 18, 2024

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | 


UltraViolet and the Inclusion Playbook Release New “Women’s Sports Media Guide” Offering a Comprehensive Approach on How to Cover Women’s Athletics With Integrity and Respect

Guide Comes Ahead of Major Moments for Women’s Athletics This Summer, Including the 2024 WNBA All-Star Game and Summer Olympics in Paris 

Guide Lays Out Best Practices to Dismantle Outdated Stereotypes and Highlight Athletic Achievements As Women’s Sports Sees Record-Breaking Visibility

Today, UltraViolet, the nation’s largest online feminist organization, and the Inclusion Playbook, a sports impact organization that works with leaders to transform their communities in and through sports, have released a new “Women’s Sports Media Guide” offering a comprehensive approach to covering women’s athletics with integrity and respect.  

The guide, which comes as women’s athletics are experiencing record-breaking visibility and attendance, lays out a series of best practices that reporters and commentators can use to appropriately highlight the achievements of women in sports and dismantle outdated stereotypes.


UltraViolet and the Inclusion Playbook are releasing “Women’s Sports Media Guide” ahead of some of the biggest moments in women’s athletics this summer, including the WNBA All-Star Game on July 20th, and the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, where there will be gender parity on the field of play for the first time. Historically, women’s sports have received significantly less media attention – only 6% of sports media coverage – but with the rise of streaming and social media, that number has jumped to  15% of sports media coverage in 2023.

The guide explains that proper coverage of women’s sports is critical to promoting greater athletic participation among women and girls, but also helps combat stereotypes and biases that foster a fair and balanced view of women’s capabilities and achievements. Quality reporting on women’s sports not only helps shift public perspective and foster a more inclusive culture, both in sports and society at large, but also helps lead to better funding, opportunities, and resources for women’s athletics. To that end, the guide makes 10 core recommendations for journalists and commentators who are hoping to deliver thoughtful and impactful sports coverage. 

To that end, the guide makes 10 core recommendations, such as not using unnecessarily gendered language, for journalists and commentators who are hoping to deliver thoughtful and impactful sports coverage.

“Far too often, the media fails to accurately represent the people they portray – and when that bias invades real-world forums like news broadcasts and sports reporting it takes on an especially insidious nature with specific harms for marginalized communities, including women, people of color, disabled people, and LGBTQ+ individuals,” explained Kathy Plate, Managing Director at UltraViolet.Proper coverage of women and people of color helps combat these biases – allowing women in all spaces – business, politics, sports – to exist as themselves, and be seen for their capabilities and achievements. From politics, to business, to sports – quality reporting helps shift public perception and foster a more inclusive culture.”

“The women’s sports landscape is evolving rapidly and elevating to a new level,” said Ashland Johnson, President and Founder of the Inclusion Playbook. “Reporters and analysts have a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful, culture-shifting conversations that allow coverage of women’s sports to evolve as well. This guide gives people the tools they need to ensure that women’s sports — and women in sports — are talked about in an inclusive, equitable, and respectful way. It is for people who are new to this space and veterans who want to expand on their existing playbooks.” 


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UltraViolet Action on Rising Political Violence Following Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sunday, July 14, 2024

CONTACT: Brett Abrams |


UltraViolet Action on Rising Political Violence Following Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump


Statement from Nicole Regalado, Vice President of Campaigns at UltraViolet, the largest online feminist organization in the United States: 

“Violence has no place in our political process and weapons of war have no place in our communities. We unequivocally condemn violence in all of its forms – in all spaces, in all contexts and against all individuals.

“This is a difficult time for our country. In the coming days, we must remember that we all deserve to live our lives, move through our communities, and engage in our political process peacefully, and without the threat of violence.  We affirm our commitment to a peaceful political process, and encourage all of our leaders to join us in speaking out against political violence both physical and rhetorical in no uncertain terms. 

“Together, we must avoid sharing or amplifying misinformation and disinformation that could further incite violence. We cannot let bad actors use this to divide us and stoke fear and hate in our communities. 

“We must also take the important steps to protect each other – and make this a country where no one fears for their lives or their loved ones’ lives. That starts with removing horrific weapons of war from our communities so they cannot be used against students, politicians, movie goers, or attendees of a political rally.” 


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UltraViolet Expresses Concern Over Jeff Shell’s Appointment as President of Skydance As Company Plans Takeover of Paramount Global


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, July 10, 2024

CONTACT: Brett Abrams | 

UltraViolet Expresses Concern Over Jeff Shell’s Appointment as President of Skydance As Company Plans Takeover of Paramount Global

Says Appointing Shell, Who was Fired from NBCUniversal After Sexual Harassing a Female Employee, Could Put Other Women in Danger; Urges Company to Reconsider

Earlier this week, it was announced that Skydance Media would invest $8 billion in a takeover of Paramount Global and that Skydance’s David Ellison would be chairman and CEO, and former NBCUniversal chief Jeff Shell would lead the company as president. 

Jeff Shell was removed as CEO of NBCUniversal after he admitted to an “inappropriate relationship” with a woman in the company, after the woman filed a complaint against Shell citing sexual harassment and sex discrimination, and an investigation corroborated those claims. 

Nicole Regalado, Vice President of Campaigns at UltraViolet, the nation’s largest online feminist organization, issued the following statement reacting to Jeff Shell being named as President.  

“It is deeply disappointing that one of Skydance’s first announcements after it confirmed that it would begin the process of acquiring Paramount Global would be to appoint a man fired for sexual harassment to the new company’s top job. 

“We urge Skydance to reconsider its appointment of Jeff Shell to serve as President of the company. Doing so would send the wrong message to women that their safety and wellbeing is at risk.”

UltraViolet had previously called for Shell to be fired from NBCUniversal following the investigation, and praised the decision after they removed Shell for cause.  

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UltraViolet Responds to EMTALA Unofficial Ruling: Court Fails to Affirm Right to Emergency Care for Pregnant People



CONTACT: Brett Abrams |

UltraViolet Responds to EMTALA Unofficial Ruling: Court Fails to Affirm Right to Emergency Care for Pregnant People

Statement from Nicole Regalado, Vice President of Campaigns, at UltraViolet, the nation’s largest online feminist organization: 

After what appears to be a copy of the U.S. Supreme Court’s EMTALA ruling was published briefly on the Court’s website today, we at UltraViolet are outraged that the Republican-stacked Court would dismiss this opportunity to make clear that pregnant people in crisis have the right to receive emergency abortion care, not just to save their lives, but to prevent grave bodily harm, future infertility, and significant mental health consequences. As Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson noted in the apparent ruling, this decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in Idaho or other states with abortion bans, it’s merely a delay.

Ensuring that the law does not force medical providers to deny life-saving treatment to pregnant patients who require emergency abortion care is crucial. However, in practice, it is extremely difficult for doctors to navigate emergency abortion exceptions for the “health of the mother,” and people still face serious risks while pregnant when denied full access to abortion. 

The fact that the EMTALA case made it to the highest court demonstrates just how radical the Christian nationalist agenda is, how far these extremists are willing to go to end abortion access, and why it is absolutely critical that we defend our right to bodily autonomy on all fronts. We must hold accountable the corporations funding the MAGA Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) whose members have brought this and many other cases to decimate abortion access. We must squash federal and state laws restricting abortion rights, and we must establish equal rights under the Constitution so that no one faces sex- or gender-based discrimination in health care decisions.

EMTALA was implemented to ensure that any person in need of emergency medical care could access it, regardless of their financial situation. We know that anti-abortion politicians brought this case to the Supreme Court because abortion IS a form of emergency medical care. They know that, and we know that. This is the second time in two years that a Supreme Court ruling on abortion care has been divulged before official release.

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