UltraViolet Urges CNN to Suspend Don Lemon From Political Coverage After Lemon’s Sexist & Ageist Remarks on Nikki Haley & Women Politicians in Their “Prime”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, February 17, 2023
CONTACT: Anna Zuccaro | anna@unbendablemedia.com

UltraViolet Urges CNN to Suspend Don Lemon From Political Coverage After Lemon’s Sexist & Ageist Remarks on Nikki Haley & Women Politicians in Their “Prime”

Gender justice advocacy group denounces Don Lemon as “egregiously sexist” for remarks on Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, calls on CNN to remove Lemon from future political coverage

WASHINGTON, DC — Yesterday, CNN anchor Don Lemon commented on air that Nikki Haley “isn’t in her prime,” referencing Haley’s age and that “… a woman is in their prime in [her] 20s and 30s and maybe 40s.” CNN’s chairman has since condemned Lemon’s remarks.

As outrage to Lemon’s comments grows, POLITICO documented additional incidents of misogyny and bias influencing his reporting on-air.

Citing Lemon’s record of gender-based bias influencing his on-air reporting and political coverage, Bridget Todd, Director of Communications at UltraViolet, a leading national gender justice advocacy group, issued the following statement:

“While Don Lemon’s egregiously sexist comments about women being ‘in their prime’ have no place on CNN or anywhere in the news media, this isn’t the first time Lemon’s bias against women has influenced his on-air reporting. From athletes to politicians and even his co-anchors, Lemon has used his power and platform to consistently undermine and demean powerful women.

“Hopefully this will be the last time Lemon’s misogynistic bias goes unchecked on-air.”

“CNN should immediately suspend Lemon from any future political coverage indefinitely. The anchor’s cavalier public apology for such flagrantly patronizing, chauvinistic remarks signifies nothing of accountability or consequence. The network should also continue to monitor Lemon’s on-air appearances for gender bias, and be prepared to take additional action if needed.

“Sadly, Lemon’s opinions are just one of the many double standards women face on a daily basis, especially women in politics. Women are criticized and judged because of our gender, age, tone of voice, and looks – these biases in the media impact how the public perceive women as a result. At a time when women candidates are facing death threats and violence for simply existing, sweeping Lemon’s misogyny under the rug is completely unacceptable.”

Last year, UltraViolet in conjunction with members of the Women’s Disinformation Defense Project coalition and other allies, released an updated Fairness Media Guide for Covering Women And People of Color.
The updated recommendations emphasize focusing on women politicians credentials, expertise, and professional backgrounds, rather than the race, gender, age, aesthetics, and demographic information.
VIEW THE GUIDE HERE: https://weareuv.us/mediaguide2022

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